Chapter 15: Nikki

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"Where's Nyx?" Asked Erebus, looking around.

"Get back to Zains compound. Now!"

With that, Erebus goes with a black cloud.


There was a gun shot?


I ran as fast as my inhuman speed could go, and when I got to the door, the door wouldn't open. All I can hear are grunts, glass shattered, gunshots, and dripping. I look up, and I see blood go up the glass. I look through the glass pane in the door, and I see a body falling down the stairs.

Please, not Zain. Please, not Zain.

The body lands on his back, and it's not Zain.


Glass shatters, and Zain comes flying out the upstairs window. He comes down landing on his back.

"Ohhh, fuck!" He groans.

He inhumanly gets up and stands up straight as someone as tall as Erebus comes jumping down.

This must be Benjamin Ashford.

He had a huge leg and arm muscles. I mean, fuck, one tense of his arms or legs would rip his trousers and jacket. He must have custom-made clothing for how large he is. He had a jawline so strong that it could maybe break your hand.

"You put up a good fight, young man." He says gruffly and in a deep voice. "I'm proud. Dante said you'll be easy to kill."

"Why the fuck is there still a Ida alive? Are you a fucking vampire or demon?"

"The Ida is alive and well! Erebus, Nyx, Medusa, Athena, Zues." He grabs Zain around his neck, which his thumb reaches his middle finger. "Your neck, young man, is like a pencil in my hands."

He squeezes his hand, and there is complete fear in Zain's eyes. This is the first time.

"So boy, where is the girl you call, "Nyx"?" He asks with the glint of hatred.

"Let go of him." I say calmly.

"Oh, hello, little girl. Who are you?"

I ignore it, and I twist my hand, but it doesn't do anything to him.


"Ahhhh, you must be the girl they call, "Nyx," aren't you?" He says gruffly with a big smirk.

"So what if I am or not?" I ask back, tilting my head and not meeting his eyes.

"Look at me in the eyes, girl." He says as his anger rising.

The scent of burned flesh was going through my nose. But this was different. It was also burning the inside of my nose. It was coming off of Benjamin. His perfect blue suit was now peeling off of him.

His anger is rising.

His legs increased in size and ripped his suit. There were snake coils as his legs. His eyes were flashing fire. From his torso and up was still human. Well, Ida. He was winged, and it looked like he had over a hundred heads. As one is human, the rest of various fierce animals are used. Snakes, dragons, lions, and bulls.


Zain extended his hand, a grey portal opened behind me, and he pushed me into the portal with wind around.


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