Chapter 5: Nikki

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I sent Zain that message, and then me and Nyx are now off to find my target. Well, targets.

We're now at some sort of mental asylum. I go through the window at the back as there's no doors, and my target is also on the second floor. I climb through the window as there's a loud crash from the next room.

"Watch where you're going you stupid, bitch!" Says Sophie.

"Is that woman our target?" Asked Nyx.


"She's also related to you?"

I hesitate. "Yes."

"Why are you killing her?"

"She tried to stop my wotch side coming through." I says. "Only Zain had basically helped me through it, and yeah, that's about it."

I suck to the corner only to be spotted by security.

"Girl, stop!"

I cover Nyx with the invisibility charm, so he doesn't see Nyx.

"What if I won't?" I asked.

"Then I'll put you down."

"What if... I do something else to et off?"

"When and where?"

"Here and now!"

I ran forward, and I sunk my teeth into his neck. I covered his mouth so his screams were muffled and almost unaudible. After fifteen minutes, his body goes limp. I pull away, and I carry the body to the window, which I threw out. With a flick of my wrist, Nyx comes back onto view.

"I thought we were doing jt with no murder and killing?" She asked with a bit of humour.

"Shit happens. We find another way." I say, maybe just a little bit harsher than I intended. "I don't compel because people know how their colleagues, friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, family, whatever they are now, know how they act. They'll know if something up with them."

I walk away, and I sneak to the door. When I got there, I had seen my Mom and Dad in the room with another "sick" patient. I see them put a needle into the patient and inject them with the same type of shit they had injected me with.

"Osedian is in there." Said Nyx.

"How do you know?"

"There's a purple glow."

I look closer, and I notice the purple glow. I walked closer, and a floor board had creaked.

"Oh, hi Nicole." Says my Mom.

"Nicole!" Says my father.

"What's wrong with him?" I asked with the sound of hatred and disgust.

"Oh, nothing dear, he's just -" She says, but I interrupted her.

"Say "ill" or "sick" I dare you!" I say snappy.

"Who's the girl?" Asked my father.

"Leave her out of this!" I tell him.

"Or what? You'll kill me like you killed your uncle?!" He says.

"That was Zain, and I don't blame him! One member of the backstabbing family down!"

My father pointed a gun at me, but Nyx had lept in front and had cut off his hand. My father screams in pain as blood is squirting everywhere.

"Answer the question! What's wrong with him?" She says so calmly as she walks over to my mother.

"Th... there's noth... nothing... wro... wro... wrong." She says, stuttering with fear.

"Not the answer I want!" I say as I walk over, and I break her fingers. "I will make sure that you will never work on another "patient" again! Both of you!"

"Th... there's noth... nothing wro... wrong! They're just like you and your boyfriend!" Says my father even fear running through his eyes, and he's never one to get scared.

"YOU STILL HATE US?!" I stab my father in the stomach, and I twist the knife on exit. "WHY?!"

"WE DON'T HATE YOU!" He shouts as blood spills to the floor.

"YOU, LAIR!" I grab his head, and I keep bashing it off the table at least about ten times. I turn to my mother. "You should've quit this job when you had the chance, mother."

"Wha... what?"

I plunge the knife into my mother's stomach, and I twist on the way out. "You should've left!"

I plunge the blade back into her, and I deepen the plunge as I push my palm into her stomach. Blood gushed out. I put my finger in her wound, and she starts screaming in pain.


"You're right. You should've!"

I put both my hands into her wound, and I rip the wound wider. You can see all her insides and her heart beating slowly. I kneel down next to her, and I whisper in her ear.

"You will never be able to "fix" another "sick" person. Ever!"



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