Chapter 18: Zain

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"Fuck!" I groaned. "Fucking piece of shit Ida."


I tried to concentrate on Nikki, but I can't seem to get a hit on her.


I concentrate hard, and a vision of her comes through. She is back in the UK. Back at where the Osedian Sword is. This time, she's wearing a black leather jacket and black jeans but not too skinny and not too tight. She was also wearing black boots. Why did you even go back there? She walks into the Go Kart building, and she doesn't meet any resistance on the inside. There was someone behind the desk and had cat called her. She extended her hand, and the mouth of the person behind the desk had no more mouth. All I see is him point down and him in fear. Nikki must be out looking for me now. But where's Erebus and Nyx?

Are they back at the compound?

I come back to the present. I seem to be in the UK. In Dudley castle. But it wasn't all fixed. It was all broken. I was in a cell. The doors weren't like normal ol' doors. They were like gates more than anything. By the look of it, I was held in one of the towers cells.The whole place looks like it could all fall apart with one more earthquake.
I look out the window... well, grate in the wall, and there's like a 50-foot drop. Which could kill maybe a normal person if they weren't a goddess, god, vampire, demon, or Ida.

"Ahhhh, look who's awake?" Said a guffed voice.

"You knew it wouldn't kill me?" I asked him.

"Mate, there are things that I know that you don't."

"And what are those things?"

I look around to try and find a weak point in the gates. I know the other person is talking, but I just drowned him out. There's a weird vibe. The whole vibe just went dark. Black lightning like crackling had come into ear shot and sight. A dark portal had come into view, and Nikki stepped through with the sword.
With one swift movement, she had decapitated Typhon.

"Get in." She spat.

What did I do now? I was protecting her.

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