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Meagan stayed with me to make sure I was fine. She made me dinner, and we thought of what to do together.

"River, terminating your first pregnancy could be really risky. But it's your body, you decide what you want to do." Meagan said to me.

"I'll support whichever decision you make. Wether you decide to keep the baby or not." she told me.

The next morning, we go to the hospital together. I get a sonogram done.

"Congrats! You're six weeks pregnant. The baby is healthy, but I suggest you eat more, and get enough rest." the OB-GYN tells me.

"Have you been getting any prenatal care?" she asked.

"No. I just found out I was pregnant yesterday." I told her.

"That's concerning. I'll schedule you an appointment within the week." she said.

I remained silent for a while. "I want to have an abortion. I don't want this child." I tell her with tears in my eyes.

"What?! An abortion?! Isn't this a planned pregnancy?" she asked.

I shake my head. "It was a one night stand. I'm not sure the father would want it. Besides I have no idea where to find him." I say bluntly.

"Well...I wouldn't recommend you have an abortion. This is your first pregnancy. And your endometrium is thin," she started.

"If you go through with the abortion, there's a high risk of hemorrhage and you might never be able to get pregnant again. I suggest you think this through. I'm not forcing you to keep the baby. It's your body after all." the OB said.

I nod slowly, then I take my results and leave. Meagan was waiting outside. She hugged me the moment I came out of the consulting room.

"So...when are you having the abortion? Or are you keeping the baby?" she asked.

"Let's go home. I'll tell you everything at home." I said as I turned to leave.

Suddenly, somebody blocked my path. I looked up to see a middle aged man. I looked at him with a frown.

"Please keep the baby." he said to me.

"What?! Excuse me do I know you?". I asked looking confused. Meagan came forward, standing between me and the man.

"What do you want, mister?". She asked.

He sighed. "I need her to keep the baby. The child in her womb is my grandchild." he said almost breathlessly.

"Miss can we talk in my car?". He asked. I nodded and he lead the way.

He opened the car and let me get in first.

"I want to make a deal with you. I need you to give birth to this baby, and in return, I'd fulfill all your requests. I'd also pay you fifty million dollars as long as the child is born safely," he said. 

I furrowed my brows. "Do you realize I'm still a teenager, sir?" 

"I know you're a college student, and this pregnancy could bring your life to a standstill, but the child is innocent. And you could easily go back to your normal life with the money you'd be getting." he said to me.

His offer is definitely too good to refuse. I should probably agree to it. Besides I was already starting to rethink my decision to get an abortion.

"I...I need some time to think this through". I said to him.

He nodded. "That's fine. I'll give you a week. I have another condition".

"What's that?". I asked.

"If you agree to keep the baby, you'd have to move in with us. I'll personally make sure you and the baby are well cared for until you give birth". He said.

He gave me his contact info, and I gently slipped out of the car.

Meagan had a lot of questions, but I told her I'd explain when we got home.

Pls y'all don't forget to vote and comment. I love y'all from the heart of my bottom

Thanks ♡

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