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I was anxious to know what happened in the car. But I had to wait till we got home. When we got home, I made us lunch while River told me everything the man said.

"So turns out the guy I slept with has a billionaire father who's desperate for a grandchild". She started.

"He pleaded with me to keep the baby. And there's a lot of benefits too. He'd personally care for me until the child is born. He'd also make sure we get the best medical care". She told me, as she flipped through the pregnancy catalog.

I paused while chopping the onions. "Didn't you say you wanted an abortion? Now you want to sell yourself to these rich people?". I asked her.

She sighed. "Yes. I wanted to terminate the pregnancy. But Dr Gupta explain how thin the lining of my uterus is. Terminating this pregnancy, could be the end of me". She explained.

"I can't keep a baby with my current situation. Since they want the child, and would care for us both, I don't see any harm in accepting his offer". She said.

"Okay. If that's what you want to do, I'd support you. You have to give him your own conditions too. Don't allow yourself to be used". I told her. She agreed.

After lunch, we tidied up the house, and I told River I had to leave because of work.

"I'll check up on you another day okay? Don't forget to take your pills. If you fell any discomfort, don't hesitate to call me okay?". I told her, as I grabbed my things and stumbled out the door.

I really hoped she'd be okay. When I returned home, I told my fiancee about River's situation. He asked if we knew anything about the man that showed up at the hospital.

"No. We only know he's called 'Mr stone'. He looked like a man in his late 40's". I told him.

"Woah! Babe your friend just won the fucking lottery!". He suddenly exclaimed. I got startled.

"Lottery? What do you mean? She's pregnant for a scumbag we don't even know. How's that winning the lottery?". I asked angrily. Jace could be annoying sometimes.

"Babe, Ilay's family is loaded. They have hotel's, casinos and restaurants all over the country. And they own the biggest oil drilling company we have. Those people got more money than they could count". He told me.

"I suggest she keeps the pregnancy and asks for a huge sum of money for it". He said.

I threw a pillow at him. "You asshole. You have no idea what childbirth does to the body of a woman". I told him.

He suddenly pulled me into his lap. I stared at him. He attacked my lips in a kiss. "You're scared of childbirth. That's why you won't let me fertilze you right?". He asked as he pulled away, out of breath.

I blinked my eyes at him. "That's not it, Jace. I'm just not ready yet. And you know how hectic my job can be. It's not suitable for a pregnant woman". I said to him.

He pinned me down on the couch, ignoring my words. "Let's have a baby. Please". He said staring into my eyes. He kissed my lips shut before I could even protest.

I wanted to refuse, but my body responds to him in a way I can't even explain. I kissed him back deeply, as I undid the buttons on his shirt. He took off my tank top with ease. I completely surrendered my body to him, forgetting my initial refusal.

I was moaning so loudly, I was certain the neighbors could hear us. We were sweating like crazy, as Jace rammed his dick into me from behind. I was on cloud nine.

I begged for more when he pulled out. Today was a safe day anyways. I let him do what he wanted.

When we were finally done, I couldn't stand on my feet. My legs were trembling. Jace carried me to the bathroom, where we ended up going three more times.

I escaped from the bathroom to get some sleep. I bit my lip hard as I saw the condition of the couch. It was covered in sweat and cum. This time I'd make sure Jace does the cleaning.

I pick up our clothes from the floor, and head to the bedroom.

Love y'all from the heart of my bottom. Please share, vote and comment. I'd try to make some chapters about the important characters in the novel, but Ilay and River are the main characters, so it's going to be centered around them.

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