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I had almost fallen asleep when Jace came to the bed. He pulled me into his arms and kissed me goodnight.

Jace pampers me. We'd been together since our last year of college. We were both trying to get over our exes when we met. And now we cherish each other.

We got engaged a year ago, and decide to marry at the end of this year. Jace was a hard worker. He was always busy, and so was I. I didn't want to have a baby when we both couldn't be there for them.

I snuggled into his arms.

"If by any chance I get pregnant, I'd start working from home until the child is old enough to go to kindergarten." I thought to myself.

Jace would make a great dad. I've seen the way he treats other people's kids at the park, the malls and on the streets. I was certain he'd care for his own kids the same way. But he needed to be around for that to happen.

There were times when he'd be so busy, I wouldn't get to see him for a week. I didn't want our kids to miss him too much.

I still had to work tomorrow. Jace was already fast asleep.

I pushed my worries aside and sank into Jace's warmth.

The morning sun sipped into the room through the window, waking me up. The side of the bed where Jace laid was cold, indicating he had left long ago.

I stretched and swung my legs over the side of the bed. After a quick shower and dressing, I headed to the kitchen to see the breakfast Jace left for me. I was touched. I just hoped he'd remain the same caring man after marriage.

I had a lot to do, and I still wanted to see River in the evening.

I got in my car and drove off to meet with the client.

After the meeting with the client, I focused on work and almost forgot to eat, until River called me.

River had gone to college as usual. She facetimed me when she was free. She told me she had thought about her situation, and decided to accept Mr Stone's offer.

"That's fine. But, you have to take exams for this semester soon. How are you going to do it?". I asked.

"I can manage. I'm fine for now, and my baby bump isn't visible yet. I don't have morning sickness either. I'll be able to finish this semester". She told me.

"Okay. You should discuss things with Mr Stone first. I'm also itching to know if the man responsible for your pregnancy is interested in the baby or you". I said to her.

As much as I supported her, I needed her to be comfortable living in their house. She and the baby wouldn't be fine in a chaotic environment.

"I doubt he's interested, Meg. I'm certain his father already told him about the pregnancy. If he cared, he would've called. At least so we can work things out". She said.

I told her to forget about him, and focus on caring for herself.

"Eight months would be over before you know it, Ri". I told her. She smiled at me.

We chatted for a bit longer, before she had to return to class.

River was a sweet and beautiful girl. I don't think life treated her fairly enough. She had lost her parents at the age of fifteen, and started working to pay for her college, had a scumbag for a boyfriend, tried to get over him and ended up pregnant for the world's biggest asshole.

I just hope everything would get better for her after this baby.

Thanks for reading y'all. Do you guys have any expectations for Meagan's and Jace's relationship? Please share with me through the comments.

Love y'all from the heart of my bottom

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