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Bringing River home was definitely the best choice. I wanted Ilay to learn that he could never run away from the consequence of his actions. Whether in business or in his personal life.

I also wanted him to learn that sometimes, what you know to be the truth might not be it. Just like the misunderstanding between him and River.

I had already found out that Bianca's mother was the one behind it all. And River ended up falling in the trap because she also wore leather that night.

I didn't want to tell Ilay everything just yet. I wanted him to find out on his own. Only then would he be truly sorry for the way he's been treating River.

I knew he had a soft spot for River, because he actually gave her his clothes on the night she moved in with us, because she hadn't gotten the chance to bring hers, but this misunderstanding was the reason why he kept acting like a jerk around her.

I'd let him sort it out on his own. I was purposely delaying in getting a new driver for River, to see if Ilay would drop her off without me asking.

He did. I knew he was only doing it for the sake of the baby, but at least he didn't neglect her and let her struggle to get a taxi or a bus in her current condition.

Above everything else, I wanted my grandson to be born healthy. Nothing else mattered to me.

To be honest, I felt River was an amazing girl. She had the same calm and sweet personality as my late wife. If I didn't need Gray Blackwood's investment, I wouldn't mind Ilay being with her.

River's next doctors appointment was scheduled for the day after tomorrow. I'd let Ilay handle everything from this point. After all he was the father. I quickly texted the doctor, and sent her Ilay's phone number.

I focused on work, and only picked up my phone to remind Ilay to take lunch to River.

After work, I eagerly returned home to see how River was doing. When I walked in, I saw her helping Patricia in the kitchen, while Ilay sat watching them.

"Don't slice off your fingers. I wouldn't put a bandage on it and tell you I'm grateful, while eating a salad with your blood as dressing". He said to River.

"Relax son. She actually has very good knife skills. She won't hurt herself". Patricia said to him, as River stuck her tongue out, mocking him.

"I'm worried about me getting sick after eating her blood. I'm not worried about her". He replied.

The scene in front of me warmed my heart. I can't remember the last time this house was so lively. I took a picture for memory sake. Even if River had to leave after giving birth to the baby, this would always be a special memory for me.

I walked up to them with a smile.

"What's for dinner?". I asked. River lifted her head. "I am making a fettuccine Alfredo, with homemade meatballs. Patricia is making some vegetables for side dishes". She said with a smile.

"That's nice. I didn't know you could cook River". I said.

"Well....my mom owned a restaurant before she passed away, and I always helped out in the kitchen so I learnt from her". She said with a sad smile.

I felt like I had just reopened an old wound. "I'm so sorry about your mother. I did not mean to- ".

"It's fine. There's no need to apologize. You had no idea. Mr Stone, why don't you go freshen up. Dinner would be ready soon". She said cutting me off.

I nodded and headed for my room upstairs .

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