Overture - Part 1

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Bandit stomped on the stop brake. The car came to a stop.

"I... I-" The young Border-Collie was on the verge of tears, but preferred to suffer alone, in relative silence.

On the driver's seat sat Bandit Heeler, he felt somewhat guilty for this. No. No. He did not. He couldn't. He was doing the best for his family. Yes. Yes he was.

On his side was Mariah Murray-Ball, Mackenzie's mother. Who, although disappointed, wished the best for her son. Even if she had to be tough. Yes. It was the only way.

Finally, in the last seat lied Bluey Christine. In comparison to the others who were dealing with mayor emotions, she was relatively calm, and keeping to herself. That was the image she had to give, an image of strength. Although, realistically, she was doing as well as the others.

The car resumed it's movement. They had originally stopped a small distance from the Heeler Home, so the resumed journey was quite short.

"Get in, we'll talk this out tomorrow morning."

The young Heeler nodded silently and got out of the car. Mariah followed suit shortly. Eventually, only Mackenzie and Bandit were left inside.

Bandit sighed.

"Listen mate, I really don't have anything against you two being together, it's just tha-"

The other door opened roughly. Mackenzie left the car.

Bandit was now the only one inside.

'Don't worry, you're doing the done thing.'

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