Some of us didn't learn to control our emotions, I wonder why?

88 7 16

Author's Note: I woke up self-aware.


Overture, Queensland. 4:36 PM.

Weather: Cloudy

Status of the operation: fucked

"Where is Bluey?!?!?"

"Chill mate, she'll get here any moment now-"


The kelpie's ringbell rang. However, said kelpie's manic yelling kept him from hearing said rings.

"What if Bluey doesn't arrive? Jack's birthday would be ruined, and then we'd have to hold his birthday tomorrow, and then i couldn't make him have the best day ever! it's over it's over it-"

"Listen mate, you can take your boyfriend's virginity a different day if yo-"


The ringbell rang once again.


The ringbell rang, once again



"Was that?-"

"No. It's my anxiety, and in your case the dishwasher powder you accidentally snorted last week."


"Okay that was defin-"

"I'll open so you stop bothering, would that be okay?"

"Please do."

The Kelpie opened the door to be greeted by two dogs roughly his age. Wait, two dogs roughly his age?



"You didn't spike my condensed milk, did you?"

A third joined.

"Are you not gonna say hi?"

"No... no it cannot be. What's your name? you're not from Interpol, are ya? Are you from whatever internationale they're on nowadays? Because in this household Stalin is a hero-"

"Mackenzie Awatea Murray-Ball. Are you gonna say hi or not?"

"Awatea?" The fourth dog said.

"Why did you think i go by 'Mackenzie'?"

"B-but- How? It's been so long mate!" The Kelpie was flabbergasted. Dusty got up from the couch and went to shake Mackenzie's hand. Then, Rusty continued. "How has Christchurch treated ya?"

"Fine, although it's missing a key thing from Brisbane"

"What is it missing?"

"The dog I love the most" The Collie said as he hugged Bluey. "And the people I care for" He continued as he attempted to hug Rusty.

"Dude, are you fluent in 'Yapanese' or what?"

"Maori, actually" He replied with a smug face "Now, can I hug my lifelong friend or not?"

"Ah, whatever, go ahead" He said milliseconds before Mackenzie held him tight. Rusty blushed slightly, after all, he considered Mackenzie one of his closest friends.

"Ooh, I see Rusty likes being held. Didn't expect you to be the bott-" The Kelpie's sister teased.

"I AM NOT FUCKING JACK!" Rusty broke the hug. "Is it really that hard to understand?!"

"Don't be silly, I'm just teasing my big bro!"

Bluey then interjected. "Can we come in or not?"

"Oh, sorry about that!" Rusty quickly apologised. "Do you want something to drink?"

"Some water would be nice..."

"Sure! I'll go grab some."

Bluey sat on the couch besides Dusty, who was reading something on her TailPad.

"What are you reading, Dusty?"

"Oh, some Cat Squad angst fanfiction about the main characters growing up separately. Nothing fancy."

"Oh, okay" Bluey did however wonder. 'Cat Squad angst?'

Rusty came back from the kitchen with two cups filled to the brim with water. "Why did you come back, Mack? Did your parents finally feel guilty?"

"Yeah, my mum became friends with the wife of the chef of our local Hawaiian restaurant. She told her about how they moved a lot, and how it affected their kids. The chef had a really silly name, kind of like mine. Whatever, where was I? Ah yes. After that, almost by coincidence, my mum was offered a better paying job here on 'straya, so we moved back!"

"Well, I don't want to interrupt your story, but I need help with Jack's birthday party"

"This early?" Mackenzie asked. "Isn't Jack's birthday tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow Rusty and Jack are also gonna have a party, although of a different k-"

"You know what Dusty? Please go read your Cat Squad smut somewhere else"

"Alrighty, but it's not smut!"

"Uh-huh, whatever ya say..."

Dusty left.


Author's note: Guys i think Rusty and Jack aren't fucking. Also, "Overture" is actually the name of Bluey's neighborhood within the greater Brisbane area in this universe. Obligatory "Bluey's Blues" reference.

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