Aim for the stars, you'll go far [FLASHBACK]

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Early Author's Notes:

Flashback within a flashback, how fitting.

— — —

"Okay, are you sure you want to go through with this?" Mia said while fixing up Bluey's fur.


"You are aware he can say no, right?"


"Of course he can say no, that's why it's called 'ask out'"

"Well, i hope he says yes" Bluey affirmed.

"I don't know why you're doing all of this, Mia, she's only gonna go to the little hill over there" Said Captain, who was leaning his back on a tree and crossing his legs.

"Well, she needs to make a good impression to improve her chances of him saying yes"

"Fair, where's the letter?"

"Here!" said Bluey excited.

"Well, gonna give it to him"

"And now, you have to go to the meeting spot!" Mia said with excitement. "Good luck!"

"Thanks Mia!"

Bluey went towards the hill. Captain returned to where Mia was, and lit up a new conversation.

"Do you think they're old enough for this?"

"Bluey told me she's been feeling this way for quite some time, so might as well let it out now before things get worse"

"I've been thinking, what if the girl Kenz described isn't Bluey?"

"Well, it would be a valuable life lesson for Bluey. Not everything goes as planned"

— — —

Dear Kenzie:

Could you please go to the boat? thanks.

Hugs, Bluey.

— — —

Mackenzie went to the boat on the hill, where he found Bluey sitting.

"Hi, Blues. What did you need me for?"

"Oh! eh, take a seat, please?"

"Erm, sure" the older said as he sat down on the front. "Now what?"

"I want to tell you something that's been troubling me for a while..."

"Well, go ahead!"

"D- do you remember when we met?"

"Yeah, my mum left me at the store and you found me crying behind the slide"

"Well, ever since, i've grown more and more attached to you..."

"That means...?"

"Ah! I'll cut to the chase! I like you!"

"Well, i also like you, you're my be-"

"Don't fool around, you know i mean like like"


"Since a few months ago, i've felt butterflies in my stomach everytime i see you, and i catch myself thinking about you every once in a while. You even pop up on my dreams every so often. Mia says i have a 'crush' on you, whatever that means."

"Uhm, well" Bluey was quick to notice Mackenzie was getting uncomfortable.

"S- sorry if this is making you feel weird and you don't feel the same, i just needed to get this out of my chest"

"Oh, Bluey, it's not that. It's just that, well, i- k-kinda feel the s...ame?" Mackenzie said as he slowly began to flinch.

"Wait. YOU'RE CEREAL!?!"

"Yeah... i didn't tell you because i thought you were into that french kid you told me about once" Mackenzie was know smiling and blushing, although still embarrassed.

"So, does this mean...?"

"If you want to?"

"Well, i don't know how my parents would react"

"Same with mine"

"Although, they don't have to know..."

"So, you mean?"

"We could keep it a secret"

"Ar- are you sure?"

"Are you sure?"

"Uhm, yes...?"

"Then from now on i'm your girlfriend!"

There was some awkward silence.

"N- now what?"

"Do you want to k-kiss?" Bluey, apparently didn't finish thinking her own plan through, and even if she did, she was probably too in-the-moment to remember what the next step was.

"Erm, sure" Mackenzie leaned in...

— — —


"Got it?"

"Yeah, now we can remember our first setup"

"You're such a good friend, Mia"

"You too, Cap"

Soon enough, the teens would do same as their younger counterparts.

— — —

Author's notes:

Now you know what happened at the beginning.

PSA: there's still plenty of lore before Overture even comes close.

Including, but not limited to, Jack and Rusty making out when they should be learning their ABCs.

I said the chapters would be three-and-three but maybe i'll advance a bit more in the flashbacks before picking up from the present.

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