Out Of Bounds - Part 3

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I don't quite like this one.


"Mackenzie? Mackie? Are you okay?"

"What do you think?!"

Bluey was trying to comfort her... significant other through the bathroom's door. She had her back against the door, with a knee folded.

On the other side was Mackenzie, who was squatting against the door, squishing his legs towards his body and with his head facing downwards, making himself alike a ball. A Murray Ball, you could sa-

"I'm sorry if I disappointed you, I just needed to wipe my head from your influences. Do you want to talk? About the... hospital and... stuff?"

"For what? So you can continue to play with me?!"

"Kenzie, please calm down! I didn't know ab-"

"Well, now you do!"

"If- if you had told me about it I wouldn't have talked about you like that!"

"It's a bit sad you had to know beforehand, don't ya think?"

– – –

Back in the living room, everyone was sitting on the couches, "celebrating" Jack. Although, realistically they were all as invested in the story as the next dog. Even Jack, who would be supposed to be mad at everyone, wanted his friend to be okay.

Suddenly, a phone started ringing. It was Mackenzie's.

Rusty got up, took the phone and went towards the runway.

– – –

"Psst! Bluey!" He whispered.

Bluey took the phone.

Rusty left.

"Mackenzie? It's your parents, if you want to answer."

There was no feedback to her question, so she asked again.



The phone stopped ringing, the call got sent to voicemail. Bluey then managed to take a peek at Mackenzie's wallpaper, it was the picture Captain and Mia had snapped of their first kiss all the way back in Calypso's class.

"Your wallpaper is cute"

She then realised she was holding the volume rocker and decided to try to trigger the Safety page. Bingo. She then left a note:

"456 7890 - Bluey" and a blue heart emoji.

The phone rang once again. This time she would pick up.


"Oh, It's you Bluey. Is everything okay?" It was Mariah.

"Uhm- Yes, yes everything is fine"

"Where is Mackenzie?"

"Oh, he's in the bathroom"

"Well, when he comes out, can you tell him your parents are coming to pick you two up?"

"Uh, sure! In about?"


"Okay, got it."

Bluey hung up.

"Kenzie? Are you still there?"

"What do you want?!"

"Your mum called, my parents are coming in thirty so you should get ready."

There was silence. Bluey got up from her spot and went to the living room.


"Hi guys" Bluey announced her entrance. "Sorry, but we have to go early"

Everyone stared at her.

"We... already know Bluey..." Chloe broke the ice. "We've been hearing your bickering for the last 10 minutes."

"Oh..." Bluey was surprised. "Well, uhm..." She thought. "Sorry for ruining your party, Jack"

"Don't worry, Mackenzie deserves the attention. He doesn't seem to be doing all too well on the head" Jack said with a slight smile of empathy.

"Thanks. I don't- I don't know why this is happening, he seemed fine this morning!"
Bluey was hurting.

"Calm down Bluey, maybe you just caused him a bad first impression?" Chloe tried to cheer her up.

"I don't know Chloe, I don't know if I can keep this facade up for much longer." She went and hugged her best friend.

There was more silence in the room. Silence that was broken by the appearance of a certain Border Collie.

He looked devastated, his fur was messier than usual, some of it damp because of the tears, his ears were down, his nose was runny and his eyes were almost as red as Rusty.

"When are we going?" Were some of the words he managed to kick out of his mouth.

"In about 25 minutes."

He sat down, took his phone off the Heeler's paw and started scrolling.


20 Minutes had passed, and a honk was heard outside.

"I think they're my parents." Bluey said as she got up from her seat. Mackenzie got up as well. "Again, sorry for crashing your party, Jack..."

"Don't worry" Jack got up as well and hugged Mackenzie "Please get better, we need you here." He told him. He then went towards Bluey and hugged her, whispering: "Take care of him. Even if he refuses, he still loves you."

"Well, see you all at school tomorrow!" Bluey exclaimed to the room. She and Mackenzie left.

While Bluey walked straight, Mackenzie walked as if he was half-alive, stepping on Rusty's verge, ruining the grass on it.


The door car opened.

"How was the party?" Chilli asked enthusiastically.

"I'd prefer not to talk about it." Bluey quickly shut down her mum's intention to make small talk.

"Oh..." Chilli still tried, though. "What about you, Mackenzie? Did you catch up wit- Oh my goodness what happened?"

"As I said, we'd prefer not to talk about it." Bluey reiterated.

"Well, then let's just get going."


As if this wasn't complicated enough, after a few more chapters there'll be *another* timeskip, this time of 2 months. Because i know you love 'em! (/hj)

Anyway i was thinking what to do after the second timeskip portion is complete, which is where i had originally planned the story to end but my brain, in typical Wind's Brain fashion came up with the most vile, traumatising plot twist i could ever design, but i'm not sure if i should go through with it.

If i do, however:
Blame Inco.

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