Out Of Bounds - Part 1

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Author's Note:

Hello? This is your captain, we're now entering the dove graveyard, please tighten your belts and do not eat any.


There was an unintelligible babble.

"Yeah, I'd like to order six pepperoni pizzas, hold on-" Rusty told the dog on the other end. "Psst! Bluey!" he whispered. "Does everyone like pepperoni?"

"Uhm, yes i think so!"

"Thanks!" He whispered once again. "Uhm, yeah six pepperoni pizzas with extra-cheese, yeah, yeah thanks."

Rusty hung up.

"Don't you need to give them an address?"

"Nah, Digger works there."

"Oh! That's... interesting, I didn't know that."

"Well that's because you barely hang out with us nowadays. What happened to you? You weren't just a friend, you were the friend!" Rusty exposed his point. "But now you just stay home and text us! Sometimes you don't even eat with us at lunch! You might be alongside us, but not with us!"

"You're right. I do" Bluey wasn't even aware of her behaviour.

"It's been so long, mate! Why did you change? You haven't been the same since-" Rusty suddenly stopped to process the new feedback.


He continued to process.


It all finally clicked. Everything made sense now.

"Okay, now I get why you changed." Rusty made a slightly annoyed expression, with a mild frown and his eyes half-closed.

"Why is that?" Bluey didn't like being questioned on her ways, although deep inside she wanted to know why she was behaving like this as well.

"It's because of Mackenzie, isn't it?"

"No it's not! I already moved on!" Bluey was now defensive.

"You were literally ready to throw hands at the mention of his name! And that wasn't years ago, it was this same morning!"

"Okay, maybe i haven't moved on" Bluey started to speak, getting more aggressive and loud with every 'maybe'. "Maybe i haven't stopped feeling stuff for him, maybe i still want to drink a milkshake with him, maybe i still want to have weekend sleepovers with him, maybe i still want to marry him, maybe i still want to fu-"

The door opened.

"Maybe you want to what me?"

– – –

"Oh, h-hi Mackenzie" Bluey was caught bluepawed.

"Bluey Christine Heeler. Answer. My. Question."

"I- Maybe I want to- uh- hug him! Yeah hug... hug..."

"Bluey both of us know you weren't going to say 'hug'. I can't believe you're having these... these thoughts!"

"Mackenzie? I've never heard you speak like that!"

"It's wrong! You can't just think about doing that stuff with others just like that!"

"Wrong? Mate you literally kissed furiously in primary school-"


Rusty dropped everything and left the room, retreating to Dusty's.


Author's Notes:

'Maybe' no longer reads like a word.

I'm going to phase out the flashback episodes and try out a new 'hybrid' format. This is also to try and finally make both versions (Wattpad and Ao3) the same, considering that the WP version has different titles and author's notes plus an Extra Chapter which is more or less a correction sheet for the OG version of Overture.

As such, '~~~' now divides between the past and the now, and, if ever, the future. I also think this is an appropriate time to make clear that Surprise doesn't happen. That is, canon-compliance ends with The Sign.

Finally, it's rather upsetting that i have to clarify this, but:

No. The kids didn't fuck. 'The Incident' has nothing to do with that territory. There are mentions and implications of sex but not that The Incident was ever related to it. It was never intended to be remotely suggest that. Which is why i had to rewrite Overture because it was both vague and overexplanatory in that matter.

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