Episode 26

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" So ," Spencer said reflectively as he and Nigel sat across from each other at a table near the back of The Coffee Hut at the mall. He had gotten his usual herbal tea and Nigel a tall double mocha with skim milk. " So this Lonnie fellow is blackmailing you about your past. Blackmail. What a strange and sleazy pasttime. "

Nigel almost wanted to laugh. The man talked as though the subject was completely normal and ordinary. Like his grocery shopping list or something. He hadn't meant to tell Spencer everything, some but not everything, but the man was actually surprisingly easy to talk to. It was a pleasure to get it off his chest. " Yeah. He is. And he's mean enough to do all he says he will. He hates me. Always has. He was the prize boy ..... at ....  the agency and then I came..... "

" So you stole his prize boy title away? "

Nigel tried to smile but couldn't. " I guess you could say that. He's out to ruin my life. You're smart. Tell me what to do, man. "

Spencer took a couple sips of his tea. " Well you could go to the police but I don't know if they consider blackmail a very important issue. And with your former profession as a sex worker I don't know if they will care. And if you want to keep it from my brother going to the authorities may not be your best option. "

Nigel shook his head. " I am not going to the police. I don't like the wankers as far as I can throw them. "

" Maybe DuBuis's sister Faith ? ," Spencer then offered up with an unusually uncertain undercurrent to his voice. " She's a police woman. Maybe....."

Nigel shook his head even more fervently at that suggestion. He really didn't like that woman. First her girlfriend had been the one who had hit his car and left him looking like this. True it was not Faith's fault but Pamela Perkins was dead so who could he blame? Second the woman had laughed at his face. Told him to put a bloody bag over his head. Fuck her. He wouldn't go to her for help if he was dying. " No. "

Spencer said," Pay the blackmail money. And get the job for him. If you ask my brother will give him the job. He probably won't go away but he might. Hard to say. "

Nigel was not expecting to hear him say that. It was a little disappointing really. He had expected the smartest mind in the country to easily come up with a plan to defeat Lonnie, run him out of the area , something.

He covered his disfigured face with his shaky hands. He wanted to cry.

Spencer watched him and said," I will pay it for you. "

Nigel looked at him. " I am not asking for your money. "

Spencer smiled slightly. " I know you didn't. I offered it. It's eight hundred dollars? Fine. I won't take it from my joint account with my husband. I have a personal account though that I put a little money in occasionally. It's ok. DuBuis has one too. We regard them like saving accounts. Right now I consider it for Luci's future college. I'll give you two thousand dollars. Eight hundred for the blackmailer. The rest I want you to consider my buying into the restaurant. I'll be a silent partner like my brother but probably more silent than my brother. "

Nigel shook his head. No. He wanted to say yes so bad. But down deep he knew he couldn't take money from Richard's brother. He just couldn't. " No ...... I can't. "

Spencer nodded. " Yes. You can. I don't care about your past. I care about the fact that I see you changing my brother for the better. You're good for him. He needs you. If I have to pay a little money to keep this man from ruining you and Richard so be it. "

Nigel wiped a tear from his one eye. " Thank you, mate. Once the restaurant is up and rolling you will get it back profit wise. Trust that. In fact the real estate agent said that the owners accepted our , Richard's, offer. We're going to close end of the week. "

Spencer's phone rang. He looked at it. It was Richard. Spencer answered it, saying," Yes ? "

Richard said coldly," Is Nigel with you? "

" Yes. We are having coffee. Do you want to talk to him? "

" No. Bring him to my condo. Now. Then you go home. "

Then Richard hung up without saying goodbye.

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