Episode 1

23 3 2

Monday September 2, 2024
Labor Day Upper Marlboro, Maryland
Homicide Unit

" Welcome to Homicide, rookie," Nate Jacks said with a weary all knowing smirk to one side of his rugged pale white face. " Answer the fucking phone. Let's see who really didn't want to cook out today. "

Faith stood up in her skin tight blue denim jeans and button down plaid flannel shirt, her usually long and carefree wild jet black hair tamed for the moment in a tightly coiled braid hanging down her mid back. She wore her sunshades inside to hide her currently red rimmed and alcohol bleary eyes from anyone too nosey. It generally wasn't the thing to show up hung over to your first day of work as a newly promoted homicide detective. Especially  the day after making an ass of yourself at the family dinner at your brother's house. She couldn't remember half of what happened last night but it must have been a doozy of shit because her brother DuBuis would always text or call her on important occasions like this. Except he was radio silent today. Even Spencer was avoiding her texts. Of course Spencer's father had texted her to inquire how she felt today. She mentally snorted to herself that some old recovering drunk seeing alcoholics around every corner was the last thing she needed right now. It was bad enough that Melinda had texted that ridiculous marriage proposal earlier..... That she was actually considering accepting.

" Say please," she said matter of fact as her long fingered brown hand picked up the telephone receiver from the ancient looking telephone that was perched on the for now empty desk she had been assigned to by her suspicious eyed lieutenant in the expensive designer suit. The desk across from Nate Jacks, her new partner. Then she responded on the phone," Lane. Homicide. "

She listened for a brief moment and then hung up. In spite of her raging headache and Melinda's proposal her spirits were lifted slightly. Her first case. She smiled slightly.

" Get it in gear, Jacks ," she retorted. " We got a vic in Hyattsville. About couple blocks from the middle school my niece goes to. In that fancy, sell a kidney and a lung for rent townhouse community Gardenly Bliss. "

" Sounds like a funeral home," Jacks laughed. " Maybe they can just bury him, her , whatever in the backyard. And screw your " get it in gear" shit, kid. I been getting it in gear since way before your daddy was getting it in your momma. "

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