Episode 8

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Nigel rested on the couch in Richard's condo and listened to his baritone voice singing along with a Pavarotti recording that played on the stereo system in the corner of the living room as he was in the kitchen making him the postponed to accident dinner he had promised him.

Their first date, Nigel thought to himself wistfully. Then his eye dropped down to gaze at the watch on his arm. He wondered how much a pawn shop would give him for it. Probably not enough to keep Lonnie away from him. And Richard.

Maybe he should just tell Richard. But almost as soon as the words hit his head they instantly disappeared. No. He couldn't. Those days were long ago in his life. He was not the same person as back then. The things he had done and had did to him. For money. A lot of money but still. He remembered when Richard had been literally trying to bribe him to stay in his office. He remembered telling him that " he was not a whore ".  He didn't really fancy having to look at the man and see disappointment written all over him when he realized that Nigel Hawthorne -Cyrus was truthfully just a whore. Reformed but. He didn't want to but maybe he could ask Marco for a loan. He could call it buying into the restaurant so at least Marco would get his money back. But did he really want his roommate asking questions he didn't want to answer? No. He could not have people knowing exactly what he was.

And what if Lonnie just came back for more?


DuBuis talked on the phone with the lawyer Faith had recommended about Skip Sands as Spencer reached over in his chair to firmly massage his husband's tense shoulders.


Andrew and Glory Norland were taking a long leisurely walk around the neighborhood, taking in everything , holding hands.

" Glo ," Andrew started to say.

Glory smiled slightly and serenely as she interrupted him," Yes , Drew. They need us to stay right now. So we should stay longer. At least until we start smelling like old fish and they run us out of town on a rail ! "

Andrew laughed and suddenly swung his wife around in a carefree almost youthful dance as he began to sing " You Make Me Feel So Young ".

Glory laughed even more than him and joined him in the song.


Gertrude Klein said on her house phone," I need to talk to you, Detective Browne. I think Skip Sands is lying about his alibi. He was at Spencer and DuBuis's house that day. I saw him ! "


Luci was trying on her new school uniform. Which was the ugliest and itchiest thing she had ever put on her body. It was a dark green blazer, button down red blouse, dark green skirt and green socks with honest to God penny loafers.

And you could see that awful thing between her legs even more than before!

She grabbed her phone and took a fast selfie with a scowling face. Then she sent it to Sol with absolutely no message.

It didn't take long for him to respond back with," Gal , you look like a damn Christmas tree ".

Luci yelled to absolutely nobody," I'm not going to that school ! "


Melinda Velez opened the front door of her DC apartment and smiled when she saw Faith standing there. " Well hello, gorgeous. Got an answer to my question yet ? "

Faith swayed in the doorway and took a swig from her flask. " Sure. Why not? Let's get married. "

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