Episode 2

13 1 0

Hyattsville, Maryland
Moss Center Rehabilitation Center
Reverend Lynn's Office

DuBuis's hand  hurt. He had been earlier hammering in a nail that was coming loose from the back yard ramp leading from the house to the backyard and the hammer had stupidly slipped onto his dark brown hand. Spencer had freaked a little about the blood when he saw it and insisted on cleaning it off and bandaging what was really just a little scrape. It had felt nice though with Spencer's gentle hands touching his own. It had been even nicer Spencer's equally gentle lips pressed against the cleaned with soap and water wound. He had been tempted mightily to lift up his husband from his wheelchair and carry him to their first floor bedroom for some serious cuddle time but Spencer had reminded him of his doctor appointment today.

The doctor appointment that Spencer still thought was for a physical exam but was really to go see Spencer's own therapist about the strange feelings he was having lately.

The doctor appointment where he had endured about a half hour of her asking well placed questions and him just talking about everything and anything.

His strange symptoms, feelings , what ever you wanted to call it.

The depression.

The manic moments.

The hallucinations where he heard Spencer and his dead father speaking to him but not really there.

And like his former colleague the mayor and his step mother in law the stocky dark skinned Black woman seemed to instinctively know what the issue was. Reverend Lynn leaned back in her rocking chair, her fingers tapping idly on the top of a note pad she had been occasionally scribbling on and said she might know what was up with him.

Which was good because in spite of his own medical training DuBuis Lane didn't have a clue.

" I want you to get a full physical from your family doctor," Reverend Lynn said gently. " And a blood work up. Just to rule out the possibility of something physical being the cause of your issues. But I don't think it is. " She looked at him and shrewdly examined his face. " This is my preliminary feeling so take it with a grain of salt. Least until we get the exam and blood tests done. But I believe you have bipolar depression. The depression moments , the mania , the voices. Even your drinking. It all points to it for me. "

DuBuis's head was swimming with her words. Bipolar? She was saying he was bipolar? His breath caught slightly and he swallowed hard. How was this going to work with his life if it was true? His career? Could he actually be a doctor still with mental illness? With bipolar? What would they say at the hospital?

What would his family and friends say ? He lowered his eyes to the worn carpeted floor. What exactly would Spencer say?

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