chapter 16: first encounter

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A month after passing the bar, Andrei was delegated by his father to attend a conference on his behalf a conference...

Andrei settled into his seat on the flight to the U.S., his mind preoccupied with the upcoming conference and the responsibilities awaiting him. As he flipped through the in-flight entertainment channels, a TV commercial unexpectedly caught his attention. It featured a familiar face—the model for a famous U.S. tennis outfit brand, none other than Fides.

Watching in awe, Andrei couldn't believe his eyes. The once simple girl he had known was now gracing screens as a glamorous and renowned model. Memories of their childhood and their paths diverging flashed through his mind, filling him with a mix of admiration and curiosity about how her life had unfolded.

As the commercial continued to play, showcasing Fides's elegance and poise, Andrei couldn't help but feel a surge of pride for her. He knew that she had always possessed a unique charm and determination, qualities that shone through in her career as a model.

Reflecting on their past conversations and dreams, Andrei realized how both of their paths had led them to unexpected places. While he pursued a career in law, following his father's footsteps, Fides pursued her passion for modeling and achieved remarkable success.

Amidst the hum of the airplane cabin, Andrei's thoughts wandered back to the upcoming conference. He knew he had a job to do—to negotiate and finalize the endorsement contract for their company's latest sports car model. Yet, seeing Fides's success reminded him of the diverse journeys people take in pursuit of their dreams.

With renewed determination, Andrei mentally prepared himself for the conference ahead. He was eager to apply his legal expertise and negotiate a deal that would showcase their new car model in the best light possible, even as he couldn't shake the surprise and pride of seeing Fides thriving in her own chosen field.

As the flight continued its journey to the U.S., Andrei mulled over the twists and turns that life had taken since their childhood days. He found himself looking forward to the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead, both in his professional career and in reconnecting with the evolving world around him.

Landing in the U.S., Andrei disembarked with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. The bustling airport, with its myriad of travelers and distinct American energy, heightened his sense of purpose. Navigating through the terminal, he couldn't help but think about Fides again. He wondered if their paths would cross during his stay.

Once at the hotel, Andrei checked in and went straight to his room. He opened his laptop, reviewing the documents and strategies for the endorsement contract. The new sports car model was crucial for their company's market expansion, and his father had entrusted him with this significant responsibility. The weight of the task settled over him, but Andrei felt ready. The sight of Fides's success had invigorated him.

The conference was held at a grand convention center, and the atmosphere buzzed with anticipation and professional rigor. Andrei navigated through the crowd, greeting familiar faces and making new acquaintances. The initial sessions covered market trends and strategies, giving him valuable insights into how he could pitch the endorsement deal more effectively.

During a break, Andrei wandered through the exhibition hall, admiring the latest automotive innovations on display. As he turned a corner, he saw a familiar logo—a promotional booth for the racing outfit, their company's brand that Fides modeled for. Andrei's heart raced. Could she be here? He approached the booth, scanning the faces around it.

"Excuse me," he asked one of the brand representatives, "is model of this racing outfit is here today?"

The representative smiled. "She was here for a special appearance earlier, but she's already left. She had another engagement to attend."

Disappointment washed over him, but Andrei felt a strange sense of closure just being near something connected to Fides. He thanked the representative and walked away, his mind now fully back on the task at hand.

The next day, Andrei arrived at the conference room ahead of schedule, eager to finalize the endorsement contract for the latest sports car model. He settled himself at the large, polished conference table, arranging his documents meticulously. The room was spacious, with floor-to-ceiling windows offering a panoramic view of the bustling city below. Andrei exchanged pleasantries with a few executives who were already present, their conversations filled with optimism about the partnership.

As the clock ticked closer to the appointed time, the room grew more animated with the arrival of additional team members and stakeholders. Andrei felt a blend of excitement and nervousness. He took a deep breath, reminding himself of the preparation and hard work that had led to this moment.

Suddenly, the door creaked open. Andrei looked up, his smile of greeting freezing in place as his eyes widened in astonishment. Stepping into the room with an air of confidence and grace was none other than Fides. She was impeccably dressed, embodying the elegance and poise that had made her a celebrated model. For a moment, Andrei felt the world around him blur, memories of their childhood flashing through his mind.

Fides's eyes scanned the room, pausing as they met Andrei's gaze. To Andrei's surprise, there was no reaction from Fides—just a blank stare, devoid of recognition. She nodded politely to the room, acknowledging the people present, and then settled into the seat reserved for her without giving any hint that she knew Andrei.

Andrei felt a pang of disappointment and confusion. How could she not recognize him? They had shared so much of their childhood. Trying to mask his surprise, he composed himself and focused on the task at hand. The meeting commenced, with introductions and formalities taking center stage.

The contract signing began, and Andrei's professionalism took over. He presented the details of the endorsement deal with confidence, outlining the mutual benefits and the exciting prospects for their collaboration. Fides listened intently, occasionally nodding in agreement but still not showing any personal recognition toward Andrei.

As the meeting progressed, Andrei found it increasingly difficult to concentrate. His mind kept wandering back to Fides's indifferent demeanor. He decided to push his personal feelings aside and remain focused on the business at hand. The endorsement contract was crucial for his company, and he needed to ensure everything went smoothly.

After several rounds of discussions and final clarifications, the moment came for the signing of the contract. Andrei watched as Fides gracefully signed her name on the document, officially becoming the face of the latest sports car model. He followed suit, adding his signature alongside hers.

With the formalities complete, the room filled with applause and congratulations. A small celebration followed, with champagne and light refreshments. Andrei mingled with the executives, all the while keeping an eye on Fides, hoping for a moment to approach her.

After the refreshments were served, Fides, in all courtesy, excused herself from the gathering. She offered polite goodbyes to the executives and guests, her composed demeanor never wavering. Andrei watched her move towards the door, a flood of emotions swirling within him. He wanted to run after her, to remind her of their shared past, but he controlled himself, knowing it would be unprofessional and possibly unwelcome.

As Fides exited the room, Andrei took a deep breath, letting the reality of the situation sink in. He needed knows Fides chose not to acknowledge him.

As the event wound down, Andrei excused himself and returned to his hotel room. Sitting by the window, he gazed at the city lights, reflecting on the day's events. He reminded himself of the significance of the contract they had just signed. It was a major milestone for his company and a testament to his capabilities as a lawyer.

Yet, he couldn't shake the feeling of unfinished business with Fides. He considered the possibility that Fides have chosen to distance herself from him for personal reasons. He felt pain with his first encounter with Fides after she left for U.S.

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