Chapter 23

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Mitch's POV

Suddenly Kirstie's phone rang, breaking the silence as I sat there in shock with my hand covering my open mouth.

She held the phone up to her ear.

"Scott?......yeah, he's here with me. Yeah, he's fine." A few more seconds of silence passed.
"Um...I don't know if that's a good idea, Scott."

"What isn't?" I interrupted.

She looked at me and held the phone further away from her mouth. "He wants to know if he can talk to you." I sighed and looked away. I shook my head.

Kirstie turned her attention back to Scott on her phone.
"Now's not a good time, Scott."
It went quiet again as she listened to him. "Yeah. I understand. I'll talk to you later, okay? Yeah. to you later." She hung up and held the phone in her hands. I could feel her eyes on me.

"What did he say?" I asked

She sighed. "That he's worried about you...and he's sorry."

I looked up at her. "He should be sorry!"

"He wants you back home, Mitchie."

"He went behind my back! I'm not going back there until he promises to not communicate with it, ever again!"

Kirstie suddenly stood up and looked down at me. "Mitch! God, for one second can you just think about the fact that he did this because he cares about you?! Sure, he maybe didn't do it the safest way but he was trying something. He wasn't even going to tell you what he did or what this thing said until I finally convinced him too."

"But why did nobody else tell me sooner, then?! Since y'all care about me so damn much..."

"Because Scott wanted to tell you. He wanted to call a demonologist and get help that way but-"

"A demonologist?!" I was standing up now. "First he goes behind my back using an Ouija Board...and now this?! Great. That's just great. I'm going to bed." I picked up my overnight bag and started towards her guest bedroom."

She started following me. "Mitch-"

I turned around in my tracks. "You know what? How about you call Scott and tell him to call that demonologist. Have him ask it out on a date or something. He seems more interested in that then he is in me."

"But Mitch, it could help-"

"No, Kirstie. I'm sorry, but it's a no. Tell him I'm not coming home until he's done playing with his little board. I'm done."
I walked into my room and closed the door. No way in hell was I going to let him do this.


3:27 am

I laid on the bed in Kirstie's guest bedroom after I finally got tired enough. I plugged in my phone to charge and set it on the night stand before my phone showed me I just got a text from Scott. I looked at my screen and sighed as I finally decided pick my phone back up and open up the message.

Scottie ;) : Hey.... Are u okay? I can't stop worrying about you if you're not laying by my side.. I can't sleep...Please just tell me you're alright..

I closed my eyes and let out a deep breath before I heard my phone make a sound while another blue text bubble appeared on the screen.

Scottie ;) : Mitch I'm so sorry.. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. Please come back home? I'm sorry...

I rolled my eyes and changed his contact name in my phone before I saw the next message.

Asshole: Mitch we both have iPhones.... I know ur seeing these messages. Just please... I love u.

I rolled my eyes again and went out of messages. I laid my phone back on the table, finally getting under the covers and closing my eyes.

4:15 am

I woke up, suddenly, opening my eyes. I don't know what woke me up, it just happened.
My phone made a weird noise. I looked at it, and watched it completely shut down for no reason. was just at a hundred percent? Weird.
I laid back down again and closed my eyes, waiting for sleep to take over me.

4:28 am

I woke up again to the sound of a door. I quickly sit up, and see that my bedroom door is closed.

I could've swore I closed it before I went to bed...

I slowly removed the blankets off of me as I got out of bed to close the door. As soon as I reached the knob, I heard a noise come from Kirstie's kitchen, causing me to jump.
I peek my head around the doorway to look.

Everything looks okay...

"Kirstie?" I say just over a whisper as I slowly walk into the kitchen. "Kirst?" I repeated.

I take a few more steps before I feel someone tap my shoulder, causing me to jump and turn around with a gasp. Nobody was there.


I look around the house attentively as I continue my steps in the kitchen. I let out a quiet, nervous laugh. "Okay,
Kirstie. I get it. Joke's over. C'mon, you got me."


I take a couple more steps before I stand still.
I couldn't move.

I started to panic.

"Kirstie?" I more whispered to myself where nobody could hear.

It seemed too quiet as my body went stiff.


I suddenly felt a cool breeze, almost like a breath, right next to my right ear. I couldn't make out what it said, it just sounded like a low growl.

My breath hitched in my throat, turning out to sound like a helpless whimper.


All of a sudden, all of the cabinets and drawers opened and slammed shut.

"Fuck!!!" I yelled as I fell to my knees and held my hands over my ears as they shook.

"Mitch?! Mitch, what happened!!" Kirstie busted out of her bedroom and quickly ran to my side and squatted down next to me as she held me. She looked around her at her kitchen. Everything was a mess. There were broken pieces of glass and precious china all over the floor around us.

"Mitch, talk to me!"

Tears continued to free-fall from my face no matter how hard I tried. I finally got enough breath caught up in my throat to say what I should have said a while ago.

"Kirstie?" I said, my voice cracking.


I looked up into her eyes.

"Call Scott."

Authors Note

Um, okay. FIRST OFF, I just saw that this story is at 10.35k??? WHAT?

Seriously, that is more than I could have ever imagined. I want to personally thank all of you for reading this fic, and sticking with me through it all. It really means a lot to me. (Honestly I'm surprised that the whole "paranormal fanfic" idea was appealing to people at all) lol. It's a new concept, but I wanted to take the risk, me loving ghost stories and such.

On that note, thank you again for all your kind words, your votes, comments, and your existence in general.

I love you guys. See you at the next chapter....

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