Chapter 26

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"What do you mean, he's not there?"
"He's not there, Kirstie!" I said loudly next to Kirstie's bed. She was now sitting up, wide awake.

"Well did you look everywhere? He could just be in the bathroom.." She said as she got up from her bed.

"No, I literally searched everywhere he could be!"

Kirstie walked over to me and placed her hands on my shoulders. "Scott, calm down. He has to be around here somewhere. It's a small apartment, there's only so many places he could be." She then walked out of the bedroom as I followed close behind her.

"It's so weird, though..." I said, mainly to myself. But she heard as she stopped in her tracks to search and turned around to look at me.

"What is?"

I looked everywhere besides her gaze. "I...." Deep breath. "I had this really weird nightmare about Mitch, that's actually what woke me up in the first place."

She took a few steps until she was standing right in front of me, her arms crossed.
"What happened?"

"I dreamt that something...someone was attacking it was telling me that they were going to do something bad to him. And I have no control over it." I could feel the tears start to swell in my eyes.

What if something bad happens to my Mitchy.

Kirstie gave me a sympathetic look and rubbed my arm.
"I'm sure he's okay....c'mon, let's keep looking. He has to be somewhere around here."

I nodded as she went towards her bathroom to check there again.

I stayed standing in my place in the living room. I couldn't help but let my worst thoughts get the best of me. What if he's already hurt......what if he's....possessed?!
No way....what if this...thing causes him to do something stupid?! Oh god.....

I sat on the couch, breathing heavy and holding my head in my hands. "Oh no.." I mumbled to myself. Kirstie must have heard me because she came rushing back and sat next to me.

"Scott, what's wrong?"

I looked up at her. "I think he's possessed....and we have no control over it."

She looked at me for a while with confusion and worry written all over her face. It was then that we heard a loud car horn from outside on the highway.

"What's going on?" Kirstie said as she rushed to the window, opening the curtain. I got up too and looked out the window. "Oh my god! that-"

"Mitch!! What are you doing?"

I quickly opened her door and ran down the stairs as fast as I could, ignoring my lack of a shirt and shoes.

I reached the highway and saw Mitch. Standing in the middle of the road. Was he trying to kill himself?!

"Mitch! Mitch, what are you doing?!"

My breath hitched every time I saw a car swerve around to barley miss him, honking their horns angrily.


No matter how many times I yelled out his name, he wouldn't look at me. It's like he couldn't hear me.

"Mitch, seriously!!!"

It was then he slowly started to turn his face towards me. Expressionless.

His eyes were black.

"Holy shit..." I mumbled to myself, taking a slight step back.

I heard a loud horn and looked farther down the highway again. A huge diesel was heading this way. And there was no way it would be able to drive around Mitch.

I looked back at Mitch with worry as I saw him turn his attention was towards the diesel speeding his way.


I quickly sprinted to Mitch in the middle of the road.

For a split second I could hear Kirstie yelling out something towards me...but I couldn't hear anything that she said as I quickly wrapped my arms protectively around Mitch's frail body. The last thing I heard was the sound of a loud horn, Kirstie screaming, and feeling our bodies hit the concrete.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Oct 18, 2015 ⏰

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