Chapter 6

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After the voicemail was finished, Mitch just stood there with his phone to his ear, his eyes wide in disbelief.
Scott looked up at him from the bed. He was curious about his reaction from the call.
He just kept standing there. He couldn't think.

Should I tell him it wasn't Kirstie?....

He finally set his phone on the table on his side of the bed.

"What was that?" Scott asked as he laid down on the bed, bending his arm so his for arm was under his head.

Mitch laid down next to Scott.

"Oh, um... You know.. Just Kirstie."

Scott rolled his eyes and chuckled.
"Well, duh! I mean what did she say?"

He fell silent.

Should I tell him...I don't want to scare him...I don't want him to think I'm crazy for it being an actual ghost...

"She-she uh...." He turned his head to look at Scott. He tried to give him a convincing smile. "She just wanted to say she got ya!" He said as he faked a laugh.

Scott laughed. "Oh! Haha! Yeah, she got me. You both did." He smiled and shook his head while getting up from the bed. "Well we better-"

Mitch stood up and gripped his shoulder. "Where are you going?" He was too paranoid. But he didn't want to let Scott know what actually happened. Aside from the lie that he had just told his best friend.

Scott smiled and gently pulled his arm away from Mitch's grasp.
"Relax I'm just going to turn off the light.."

Mitch sat down on the bed. "Oh..right." He faked another giggle.

Scott walked over to the light switch and turned off their light, cautiously walking back to his side of the bed.
Scott laid down, noticing Mitch was still sitting up on the side of the bed. Scott rolled on his side to face Mitch. "Aren't you tired?" He yawned. He couldn't tell he was deep in thought.

"Um... Yeah." He laid down next to Scott.

Minutes later, he could already hear Scott snoring.

And Mitch just fell into a nightmare.

~~~the next morning~~~

Mitch woke up to Scott sitting up next to him on the bed. He smiled, seeing that he had a Starbucks drink in his hand with his name written cutely on it. He had dotted the "i" in "Mitch" with a heart.

"Good morning, beautiful." Said Scott with a smile.

Mitch smiled and sat up with a stretch. "Morning."
He took the coffee from Scott's hand and took a long sip, closing his eyes with satisfaction.
Scott laughed at the face he was making. "Is that good, Queen?"
Mitch smiled and nodded again while taking another sip. Scott kissed him on the cheek and stood up from the bed.
"Well hey, we have a rehearsal today at ten so you might want to get dressed."

Mitch groaned.

"Ugh. What time is it now?"

Scott checked his phone. "'s 9:15."

Mitch over dramatically groaned again, causing Scott to laugh.

He soon got dressed, and they met up with the rest of the PTX family.

~~~At The Rehearsal Studio~~~

They were all once again sitting in chairs in a circle. Except for Scott and Mitch who were both sitting super close leaning on the music board facing the group, as they normally do.

They were working on "Aha!". This was the one they have had to work on the longest, being one of the hardest for them.

Mitch started to sing his first line, closing his eyes, getting into the music.

"Eat, sleep, and breathe that you're full of the stuff go back and tight it up tight. Wheat, meat, dairy-free, tee-total, happy-clappy, high on life you should try it. You should know, go on while no one's looking."
As he started to sing his next note, all their notes decided to clash.

Kirstie held her finger to her ear, making a disgusted face.
Scott scratched the back of his head. "No, that's not right." He said thinking.
Avi sat up in his chair, adjusting his beanie. "Guys I think it's my bad. Don't I go up a key?"
Mitch took a sip of his Red Bull that he and Scott had bought before rehearsal. "I thought you just stayed on the same key.." He said, paying with his bangs in thought.
Kevin adjusted his PTX snap-back and sat up. "It's okay, guys. Let's just keep working on it and start from the top."

---50 minutes later---

"Cost you to keep me quiet."
They were at the end of the song.

" la la. HEY!!"

Just then, Jonathan walked into the room. "Sounding good, guys!"
The group nodded in agreement.

"This is the longest it has taken us to get a song down." Said Kevin.

Jonathan stood next to Scott and Mitch, facing the group with them. "Your hard work is paying off, though. It's sounding good."
He said, crossing his arms.

Jonathan looked over at Kirstie. "So how did everything go last night?"

Scott smirked and sarcastically laughed. "Yeah, Kirstie, how did it go?"

Mitch just looked down at his lap, hiding his face. He still didn't know that wasn't her that made all the noises last night.

The group moved their attention towards Scott, who was laughing.
Kirstie gave him a look.

"What's so funny, Scott?" She asked.

Scott stopped laughing, and looked at everyone confused.

Kevin spoke up. "What's so funny about having a flat tire in the middle of the night, Scott?"

Scott looked at Mitch. "Wha- a flat tire??"

Mitch continued to look down. "Oh yeah..I forgot to tell you something.."

---2 hours later. Scott and Mitch's apartment---

Scott stormed into the living room, mitch shutting the door behind him. Scott threw his keys on the counter, and started to storm off to their room.
"Scott! Scott, please listen to me!"
Scott quickly turned around.
"Why didn't you tell me, Mitch?!"
His face starting to turn red.

"What was I supposed to say?! I didn't want you to think I was insane!"

"Mitch, this is serious! You should have said something! This is scary as hell!"

Mitch took a deep breath. "I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to think I was crazy for saying it REALLY WAS a ghost! You told me before that you didn't want to talk about it, and you have just been telling me that it's just the house making noises! I didn't want you to repeat yourself to me...." He was starting to get emotional. And Scott could tell. His voice was starting to crack because he wanted to keep sounding mad, but his tears said otherwise. "...I feel like I'm not good enough for you! I'm too weak, or a scardey-cat.." He took another deep breath.

Scott just stood there, looking down at his feet unable to make eye-contact. He felt terrible.

Mitch started to wipe his tears and sat on the couch in the living room. Scott finally decided to join him. He laid his hand on Mitch's back in a comforting manor as he lightly cried in his hands.

"Mitch...what's bothering you? You can tell me. I swear I'll listen to what you have to say." He said thinking about the point Mitch had made about earlier.

After a few silent seconds, Mitch raised his tear-soaked face from his hands and looked up at Scott. His cracked voice came out, barely above a whisper.

"I just want you to believe me."

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