Chapter 10

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Hey guys! First off, let me just say thanks to everyone who has commented and has given me their feedback & comments! ALSO, please understand that I have been really wanting to comment back, but my phone won't let me, saying there's and error? Idk. So I'm taking this opportunity now to say thanks! :) Also, I'm sorry if this story is scaring you too bad...but that really is the kind of feeling I wanted you guys to have lol I just hope you're loving the story as well! So PLEASE keep your comments coming. It's what encourages me to keep writing!! And thanks again! :)


"I'm coming." Mitch walked over to Scott in the bathroom. "What did you want, again?" Already forgetting what he had asked him. There was too much on his mind. Scott looked at him after taking his shirt off to get in the shower. "Can you pick me out some clothes, please?" Mitch looked down at his feet, remembering what had happened last time he was in the room by himself. It was like Scott had read his mind. "That's okay..I understand if you don't want too." Mitch shyly smiled and nodded as he closed the bathroom door, leaving Scott to get in the shower.


Scott opened up the door for Mitch once they had arrived at Starbucks. "Thanks." Said Mitch as he smiled at him, Scott soon following him inside. They came to find Avi, Kevin, and Kirstie all sitting at a rounded booth after getting their coffees. "Alright." Kevin started. "I have some ideas already for our next album." Scott raised his eyebrows and looked at Kevin. "Wow, really?" Kirstie nudged Kevin on the shoulder and smiled. "Dang, Kev! We're still working on the final touches for the first EP!" Kevin smiled happily. He was always a really hard worker.

"That's awesome!" Said Avi. "What do you got?" Kevin took a quick sip of his coffee. "Well, as you guys already know, I took a quick flight last night from LAX and back. During the flight, I had this tune stuck in my head. And then I started thinking. Every one has that one person in their life that they want to be with but they know they are up to no good. A.K.A.... " he paused while he smiled and gestured his hands out towards them. "A natural disaster. So when I was trying to get lyrics for this, I just walked up and down the aisle of the plane, asking random people to give me examples of a natural disaster." Mitch laughed. "Oh my God, Kevin! Why would you ask people that while on a plane?!" Kevin laughed loudly. "Well I guess I realize that, now!" Avi smirked. "Did you ever get in trouble for walking up and down the plane? While it was in flight?" Kevin shook his head no and laughed. "No, I only did it when the attendant said we were allowed to get up. However, sometimes I would get up and pretend to go to the bathroom and ask people then." They all laughed. "I can't believe you, Kev." Scott said, laughing.

"So what do you have done?" Mitch asked.

Kevin took another sip of his coffee. "Like I said. I had the melody stuck in my head, and I have lyrics written down. I just need help putting it all together." He smiled. "That's where you guys come in." "Alright, let's get started then." Said Scott, getting out his phone to take notes on. "We don't have too long before we have to meet Jonathan at the studio.

--30 Minutes later--

The group had gotten quite a bit done on the song before it was about time for them to leave. The guys started to get up, but Kirstie stayed seated, quickly holding her hand up and smiling. "Woah, woah, woah. We aren't going anywhere." They all looked at her confused. She elaborated. "I wanna know more about what has been going on at your apartment, lately!" Kevin quickly sat back down next to Kirstie. "Ooooh yeah, I wanna hear this." Scott and Mitch shrugged as they sat back down, along with Avi. Scott spoke up, seeing as they weren't going to let this go. "Well honestly, nothing has really happened since the recording." He looked at Mitch, unsure if he wanted them to know about what happened to him in their bedroom. Which he didn't. "Well guys we really should get going." Said Mitch as he tried to change the subject. He stood up and already started his way towards the door, without looking back. Kirstie looked at Scott after Mitch had walked out. "Scott, do you know what that was about?" Scott had an idea. He knew he wouldn't want to talk about it. But he respected that and just shook his head no. "We should start heading that way, though." Said Kevin as he got up. The rest of the group left for their meeting.

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