Chapter 9

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***That night, 2:30am***

Mitch's POV

I laid on the bed in almost pitch darkness awake staring at the ceiling. The only sound I could hear was Scott's soft breathing as he slept. He was laying on his side with his back towards me. However, I couldn't sleep to save my life. I remembered we had some sleeping pills in the cabinet in the bathroom. I lightly kissed Scott on the back of his shoulder and quietly got up from the bed. As soon as I stood up, I knew there was something wrong. But what, I don't know. I make my way towards our bedroom door and opened it. It was freezing when I stepped into the living was like I hit a wall of a glacier. I go into the bathroom and take a couple of sleeping pills. Afterwards I looked into my reflection at the mirror above the sink. I looked so tired...I guess I haven't got that much sleep in a while. I hear a noise come from outside the bathroom. Maybe Scott got up to check on me. I whispered. "Scott?" I creaked open the bathroom door a little more so I had a better view of the rest of the apartment. I didn't see him. "Scott?.." I said a little louder.


I mindlessly walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. I bent over slightly and took out a cold water bottle and closed the door after taking a sip and putting it back.

As I was putting the water bottle back, I could feel someone behind me.

I couldn't move.

I heard a footstep...and a footstep...and another footstep.

I slowly turned around and I saw a dark figure. I couldn't help it, I did what any other person would do. I screamed for my life.

"AHHH!!!!" I quickly stepped back where my back was flat against the fridge. I think I may had shed a tear a little bit.

"Shhh!!!!" It was Scott.

Thank. God.

Scott turned on the light in the kitchen, causing us both to squint from the change in lighting,

"Mitch, the hell is your problem?!"

He said a little over a whisper, cautious not to wake our neighbors. My hand rested on my chest, my eyes wide. "You scared me!"

Scott yawned. "Why are you even up? It's.." He glanced at the time on the microwave. "It's almost three in the morning."

"I know..." I rubbed the back of my neck and leaned back against the fridge, facing him. "I couldn't sleep." Scott rubbed his eyes.

"So you thought walking around the apartment at almost three in the morning and scaring me would help?" He said jokingly in a tired, mumbled voice. I smirked. "Yeah, yeah, just go back to bed I'll be there in a minute." He nodded in response and tiredly stumbled back into the bedroom, leaving the kitchen light on that glowed above me. I walked over to the tall windows in our living room. I looked out at all the street lights, seeing as I had nothing better to do. I was too awake. I had a bad feeling though. I kept feeling like Scott had come out of the bedroom again to check on me. I looked over my shoulder, the street lights glowing on the side of my face. "Scott?" I whispered. But the bedroom door was still shut. "What the hell.." I mumbled quietly to myself. I can already feel my heart beat faster to the point I can feel it pounding in my ears. Why am I so paranoid? I heard another noise come from our guest room. I stepped away from the window, facing the guest room. I held onto my fragile frame, terrified of something terrible happening as I slowly walked closer to the room. I finally started to turn the door knob, my hand shaking.

Do I dare...?

I open the door halfway and somehow built up the courage to look inside.

What. The. Hell.

I put my hand over my mouth, and my eyes start to well up with tears.

Every single picture that hanged in the room, was scattered with broken glass all over the floor. I put my other hand over my other hand to keep from helplessly crying loudly. I slowly back out of the room step by step and close the door. I turned by back to the door and slid down and sat, my knees to my chest. I sobbed frantically, trying to keep quiet, keeping my hands over my mouth. I guess I wasn't quiet enough because I heard the bedroom door open. I looked up and saw Scott standing in the doorway of the bedroom; only the faint light from the kitchen glowing against the side of his muscular frame.

"Oh my God... Scott!" I quickly stood up and frantically sprinted towards him. I flung my arms around him and held him tight. "Scott!.." I loudly sobbed into his chest. "Scott!'re not going to believe what happened!" He kept his arms at his side and he didn't move at all. Something wasn't right. "Scott?.." I said quieter looking up at him. He looked down at me with a straight face. No readable expression. I gasped and took a step back away from him when I realized the unexpected.

His eyes were black.

Before I knew it, he lunged out at me. I wasn't able to stop him!

"Sco-!!" Was the only thing I could choke out before he had his hands on my throat against the wall. I desperately grabbed his wrists to get out of his hold, me gasping for air. I tried to choke out his name again, but he was too strong. I wanted to cry. I wanted to leave. And the only man I would ever run to was holding me in a choke-hold.

He looked me dead in the eyes, which was hard to look into, yet I couldn't look away.

He opened his mouth to speak, me crying desperately....

"Wake up, Mitch."


I opened my eyes and looked up. Scott was leaning over me beside the bed, his hair all messed up from sleeping. "Wake up, Mitch. We have things to do today."

My body shook a little when I looked up at him. Seeing him in my nightmare was...surreal. He seemed like a demon.

He realized my reaction to him.

"You okay there, spazzy?" I sat up and rubbed my face. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine."

Scott nodded and started his way to our hallway outside our bedroom door. "We got a text from Jonathan. We're supposed to meet at the studio in a couple hours. You might wanna get dressed. Also the rest of the guys said they wanted to meet up at Starbucks beforehand."

"Sounds good." I said as I swung my legs off the side of the bed sitting up. Scott walked into the bathroom and shut the door, leaving me with my thoughts of last night.

That dream...that nightmare...Scott.

It felt so real. But it wasn't. It couldn't have been. Why am I even questioning if it was? No way Scott was possessed. No way. He couldn't of had me in a choke-hold.

And when he woke me up this morning his eyes were it's normal, sexy blue. Not black.

Then it got me thinking.

The guest room.

That would help my conscience. No way were all of the pictures and glass shattered all over the floor.

I got up from the bed and went into the hallway, going to the guest bedroom. I rested my hand on the door handle. I want to open it...I just need to prove myself wrong and I want to call myself crazy for questioning it. I just need too...

My thoughts were interrupted when Scott hollered for me from the bathroom.

"Mitch? Can you come here for a second, please? I'm not sure what to wear."

I glanced down at my hand that still rested on the door. The door where my question would be answered by what was behind it.

I finally looked away and started towards Scott in the bathroom. "I'm coming."

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