Chapter 21

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For PentaholicPilljoy

Scott POV

"What do you mean he's gone?"

I had invited Avi and Kevin over shortly after Mitch had left. I had told them the story Mitch told me from his drive home...not being able to shake the feeling that it was somehow my fault. I was lost and needed some advice.
Because Kirstie's advice worked so well.

"I mean he's gone, Avi! Mitch left. I made a huge mistake."
I sat down on the couch and held my head in my hands.

"Well, calm down, calm down," Kevin said in a soft tone as he sat on the coffee table across from me. "It's not all that bad. Think about it, what did he take with him when he left?"

I looked up at him. "Just an overnight bag, why?"

"See, you didn't lose him forever. He probably just found a place to crash for the night to get his mind clear. He'll be back tomorrow."

I smiled a little bit. Kevin was always the positive one.
"Yeah. Yeah, I guess you're right."

"Do you know where he went off, too?" Avi asked as he walked into our kitchen. Looking for food, no doubt.

"No," I said, "He hasn't called or anything. I didn't see which direction he drove off too, either." I looked down at my feet again. And I must have looked distraught because Kevin placed his hand on my shoulder.

"It's okay, Scottie. He'll come back."

I kept my head down. "I really messed up, guys. I should have just kept it to myself."

"No Scott, don't say that. I think you did the right thing."
I looked over at Avi who was eating a bag of potato chips.


"Sure. I mean, yeah he left but that should give him time to think it all over. He'll come around. Just give it a night or two." He casually popped another chip in his mouth.

"I agree with Avi," Kevin said, "I think it was right to give Mitch the consent. He had a right to know." I nodded.

Avi walked back into the living room with us, now with an apple in his hand.
"So, what did he say when you told him the ghost spelled out his name?" He took a seat next to Kevin, both of them facing me.

"What?" I looked at them blankly. Both of their eyes got a bit wider.

" did tell him, didn't you?" Avi said seriously.

"Um....kinda? a way..-

"Scott!" Kevin and Avi said in unison.

"Okay, no I didn't. But I tried! He wouldn't listen to me! He flipped out just after me even mentioning the board. And when I tried to tell him, he just kept ignoring me! I wanted too..."

"Well, I don't blame him. I mean, he did tell you not to play with the board," said Kevin.

"Yeah, but-"

"And he did say he didn't want you to make contact with it," said Avi as he took another bite of his apple.

"Okay, who's side are you on, guys?"

Kevin laughed. "Bottom line is, he needs to know."

"Yeah. I know."

Things went silent for a bit, the only sound being Avi munching on his apple.

"Have you given any thought on calling a demonologist, yet?" Kevin asked.

I shook my head. "No...I really don't want to have a demonologist here unless Mitch is with me. I feel like that would make more sense, being that apparently Mitch is the only reason this thing is here."

Avi got up and threw his apple core away. "Scott, you need to try talking to him again and getting him over here before something else bad happens to him. Go to him."

Kevin looked back over his shoulder at Avi. "But he doesn't even know where he is!"

I thought for a moment and took my phone out.

"I think I know where he is."

Authors Note

YOOOO so thank you guys for your awesome comments lol. Please don't hate me, I love Mitch and Scott to death..

So please keep the comments coming, and maybe click that little star that shows me you enjoyed this chapter? Maybe? ...I love you guys!

Next chapter coming..... You guessed it..


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