Chapter 2: Family Reunions

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"You should let me love you! Let me be the one to give you everything you want and need.

Our car journeys were full-on performances when Mom, Catori and I were in the car. We were belting out the lyrics to one of my favourite songs at the moment and not even Jesse's complaining was going stop us.

Bella had arrived home this afternoon and my mom thought it would be a great idea for us to all go and welcome her home to dreary old Forks. She collected us all from Dad's as it was a Sunday afternoon, and much to Jesse's protests at seeing Bella again, decided to drag him along with us.

They never really got on when we were younger. He just found her annoying, her clumsiness ruining their games and when he moved in with Dad after the divorce, he never really saw her even when she did visit.

I had mixed emotions about meeting Bella again today, unlike Jesse we got on when she came to visit, but she was just so quiet, a loner almost, but I guess she got that from Charlie.

"So, are you guys ready?" Mom asked as we pulled up outside Uncle Charlie's house. We were lucky today, it hadn't rained for the past two days, the ground was dry, and the light breeze was a huge contrast to the gale force winds that had hit us earlier in the week.

"I guess so." Jesse sighed, then smiled sassily at Mom. He did not want to be here.

He had his moments, like the one right now, but he really was kind-hearted. Give it a few weeks and maybe he'll warm up to Bella, they've both grown up since the last time they had seen each other. 

"Please don't be rude Jesse. Promise me." She pointed her finger at him, raising an eyebrow in question as he hesitated an answer, Tori and I watching them from the back of the car.

Jesse and Mom's relationship was strained. He hardly ever saw her, and I knew it hurt her. She missed having him around, but I don't think he noticed. I think he chooses to ignore it so he doesn't have to feel guilty. The divorce wasn't messy, in fact Mom and Dad were like best friends and ultimately, I think that was the problem. The romantic love dissolved and was replaced with platonic love.

"Fine. Jesus, Mom." He said before unbuckling his seat belt to climb out of the car.

Mom let the hurt expression wash over her face before connecting back with reality and shaking it off. It irritated me he was so snappy with her; I held my tongue before I verbally abused him and caused a scene. I'd let him have it later though.

Before I even shut my door, Uncle Charlie was already outside the front door and walking down to the car to hug Mom. I liked their friendship, I guess them both being divorced helped them bond just that little bit more. Uncle Charlie was in fact the reason Mom met Dad. Mom and Aunt Renee were originally from California, they rarely got on with their own mom and didn't even have any kind of relationship with their dad.

When they moved out, they decided to travel along the coast and when they came up here, they saw Dad, Uncle Charlie, and Jacob's, Seth and Leah's, and Quil's fathers all playing football on First Beach. Mom used to say that herself and Aunt Renee instantly fell in love. Mom decided to stay straight away, an impulsive decision - it's where I get it from - whereas Aunt Renee wanted to continue travelling but promised to return.

"Wow you even got Jesse to come out, you've grown a hell of a lot kid!" Charlie said bringing him in for a quick hug.

"And you've gotten older. Are they more wrinkles?" Jesse joked as he was released from the hug. I smiled in relief at his temperament, he wasn't going to be an ass.

"Jesse!" Mom scolded but Charlie laughed it off.

"Come on Lily, you know we are only joking. We do it every time." Charlie said before turning to me. "Hi sweetheart." He smiled hugging me as well.

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