Chapter 21: Misunderstandings

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A week had passed and there was still no sign of Victoria. We were keeping to our tasks, occupying Bella and Uncle Charlie to keep them away from Forks. Bella now spent most of her time with myself or Jake, or she spent her time on the beach alone where I'd go and check on her every few hours. 

When she was with Jacob my jealousy soared sky high. They would walk on the beach hand in hand, chatting and laughing and smiling. I knew I said I'd let him choose for himself, but it just hurt so much. 

The evenings were more painful. Every night we would have a big meal round either Jake's, Sam and Emily's or ours. Emily hosted mostly, she just loved to cook. Tori was completely confused by the joining of all of us but loved it either way, Jesse was back. 

Jake always came to dinner no matter whose house it was at, just as long as Bella was there. He'd always sit next to her, subtly touching her and calling her "honey". It made my heart hurt. What made it worse was that Bella knew how I felt, yet her selfishness for not wanting to be alone overruled my feelings, so she done so with Jake anyway. 

When the meals were held at our house, I had a chance to escape up to my room as soon as the eating was over. I did try my best to hold in the tears, I knew I was being pathetic, but it was just too hard to pretend to be okay. I ended up crying alone in my bedroom, knowing that all the wolves downstairs could hear me.  

Tonight, only Billy, Jake, Bella and Uncle Charlie were round for dinner. It was like clockwork, watching it all play out in front of me as I sat there in silence. The food would be handed out, I'd pick at my plate, help clear the table and then escape to my bedroom.  

It wasn't long before I heard the usual grunt from Uncle Charlie announcing that it was about time for him and Bella to leave. Jake and Billy usually followed straight after, needing to get Billy home before Jake started his nightly patrol. The door shut behind the father and daughter, but no further footsteps or goodbyes sounded through the walls. I sat up slightly on my bed to try and concentrate on the sounds that were coming from downstairs but there was nothing. Just the continuous sound of four heartbeats and their lungs filling with air. 

Why weren't they talking? 

Then the odd grunt and strained whisper came into earshot. They weren't forming actual words. It was like they were mouthing words to each other on purpose so I couldn't hear. 

The muffled sound of footsteps on carpet ascended the stairs then, just from the sound of their breathing and the electric ripple that tickled over my skin I knew it was Jake. I wasn't sure if I really wanted to talk to him when I felt like this. Why did Ryan have to be such a rude asshole, I could be happy with him right now. 

Jake briefly knocked on my door before entering without permission. His eyes found me quickly, huddled in a ball on my bed as I stared back at him with tear-stained cheeks. There was an understanding on his face, yet he still felt the need to ask. "Why'd you disappear?" He took a seat on the edge of my bed as my eyes glared at him. If only he could see the red in my eyes right now, maybe I could scare him. 

"Why do you think?" I asked him harshly, sitting up from my ball shape to move back against the pillows a little further away from him. 

He stuttered trying to find the words for a moment. "Bella?" He asked me meekly. 

"No not just Bella." I said mocking him. "You too." I sighed heavily, the overwhelming feeling of needing to be truthful to him breaking through. "I miss you. You're always with her. I know we need to protect her, but Victoria isn't just after Bella, she's after me too." 

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