Chapter 38: The Battle

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Reaching the outskirts of the battlefield I had to stop for a moment and take a deep breath. Strands of my hair were stuck to my cheeks because of the tears and I was struggling to regain my breath. This definitely wasn't good considering I had to be at my best to fight the newborns.

It wasn't unexpected when Alice suddenly appeared in front of me and enveloped me in a hug. "Why does this have to happen to me Alice?" I asked her as I pulled away. Why did everything have to keep going wrong in my life?

"Maybe it's not what you think it is." She suggested as she fixed my hair for me, pulling the strands off of my cheeks and fitting them back into my braid.

"It's exactly what I think it is." I spat, wiping at my face furiously to get rid of the tears. "She told him she loves him! She kissed him!"

"Hey, hey, look at me." She cupped my face in her hands. "Breathe for me okay? In and out. In and out." She managed to calm my breathing but that didn't stop me from crying.

"I just don't get it. How could she do that to me?" I balled my hands into fists and held them against my eyes trying to stop the crying.

"Sweetheart, you can't be doing this right now. They are almost here. You need to channel all these emotions into anger, can you do that for me?" She asked me and I laughed sarcastically.

"I'm already angry." I breathed and she frowned.

"Not at Bella, at the newborns." She insisted and I reluctantly nodded, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath allowing my mind to take full control of my body. I pushed the thoughts of Jake and Bella and every other problem in my head to the back of my mind, forgetting about them for a while and I allowed the need to fight to consume me.

"Are you good?" Alice asked me taking my hand and I opened my eyes and looked down at her. "Woah! The golden ring on your eyes flashed red for a second."

"I guess that's what happens when I'm angry." I was still breathing heavily but I guessed that was the adrenaline now pumping through my veins.

"Alright then, let's go." She began to run, pulling me along with her towards the clearing.

We left the forest, meeting with the family who were gathered in a group a few metres away from the tree's edge. Alice gave them a look to say don't ask me what's wrong because that would probably set me off again.

"Hey, Aria don't forget to remove your barrier." Carlisle said seriously and I nodded, only concentrating for a moment to remove it. I blocked out the family's thoughts because I knew they were all about me and I tried to focus on hearing anything else.

"So, they have split into two groups. The first group is on their way to the clearing they'll be here in five minutes. The second is following along the trail Bella made with her blood yesterday, the wolves have made a barrier to stop them going too far and will push them towards the clearing here." Alice gave us a brief warning about the latest moves from the newborns. All we had to do now was wait.

After a few minutes a voice entered my head, bloodthirsty with Bella's scent overwhelming their senses. And then there was another and another until I couldn't keep track of how many there were coming for us. "They're here." I said quickly and all the family turned to face the other side of the field.

Emmett and Esme stood either side of me, I felt Esme take my hand and squeeze it and I let myself relax for a moment at her motherly touch. I glanced up at Emmett too but he was just focused on the trees with a smirk on his face, his stance showing his power.

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