Chapter 5: Migraines

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I woke up to my bedroom light being flickered on and off. "Quit it!" I yelled at whoever was disturbing my sleep on a Saturday. Saturdays were meant for lay-ins.



I groaned and rolled over, squashing my face into the pillow, pulling the blankets over my head.

"Blue, come on. Get up, we're going to the beach, Embry and Quil are waiting downstairs." He spoke softly, whispering in my ear as he hovered over the bed.

"But it's raining." I pouted into the pillow and he chuckled softly as he laid down beside me, resting his head on the pillow too, his body turned towards me.

"When is it not raining? Come on." He pulled the blankets out from underneath him, so his body was beneath the blanket as well as my own. This allowed him to now reach over to put his hand up under the back of my shirt.

Of course, I was wondering what the hell he was actually doing as his warm hand slid over my bare back towards my sides. "What are you doing?" It was kind of muffled, so I leant up slightly on my elbows and turned to look at him, squinting at the light entering the room through the curtains. He just looked at my face with a smirk on his own. I raised an eyebrow, my body tingling under his touch. The nice, warm feeling was short lived though, when he began to tickle my sides.

"Oh my god Jake! Stop!" During the madness, I ended up turning over, so I was laying on my back instead of my front as I tried to pull his hands off of me. "Jake! No."

He continued his assault, laughing at me as giggles escaped my lips along with the protests. "Will you get up and get ready?" He threatened, now hovering over me, his face millimetres away from mine. Almost chest to chest due to his closeness.

I was breathing heavily, an effect of the tickling and the distance between us. If I leant up just slightly our lips would be touching. 

"Ari, please?" Jake added and I forgot where we were for a moment.

I nodded my head slowly. "Okay." Was all that left my lips. 

I was waiting for Jake to climb off of me, but he stayed put for a moment, his deep brown eyes searching mine for something I wasn't certain of.

After what felt like forever of staring at each other, he slowly climbed off of me, telling me he'd be downstairs waiting. When the bedroom door closed behind him, I let out a heavy sigh, why do I have to have a crush on him? It's such a large case of unrequited feelings that I even feel sorry for myself.

I was ready about half an hour later after showering, but leaving my hair knowing it was gonna get wet from the rain anyway, so I quickly plaited it to keep it out of my face. I had jeans, a thick cream jumper, my rain boots that I always wore down to the beach unless it's summer, and my large waterproof jacket. I only put some mascara and concealer on to hide the blemishes on my face before making my way down the stairs.

"And she's finally ready!" Embry called as I made my way into the kitchen, his comment earnt him me flipping him the finger as I stalked over to the fridge.

The selection was pretty bland, nothing unless I wanted to waste time cooking bacon. I felt a presence behind me and turned my head to see Jake literally standing right behind me, looking over my shoulder into the fridge. I could feel his warm breath on my neck.

I grabbed the carton of orange juice waiting for him to grab something which he did; a can of coke. "Oh please help yourself to my food and drink without asking." I said sarcastically, opening the cupboard for a glass.

"Thanks." He smiled dorkishly and I rolled my eyes taking a sip of my orange juice.

"Why are we going to the beach?" I asked, looking at the three boys.

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