Chapter 7: Family Fallouts

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Living in such a small town meant that everyone knew everything about each other. It was difficult for secrets to be kept, and gossip spread like wildfire. So, the commotion that was caused when Bella arrived at school with Edward Cullen last week was astounding.

It wasn't completely unexpected of course, with how often they had been interacting with each other at school. I kept my distance respectively, Edward definitely became more awkward around me when Bella dragged him with her when she wanted to talk to me.

He spoke very few words to me and mostly kept behind Bella during our conversations, hardly ever joining in. It was strange when he did, it was like he knew what I was thinking before I had the chance to let the words escape my mouth. He answered my questions before they were even asked.

Neither Tori or I had spoken a word of this new relationship to Dad, he would flip his shit. I don't think Bella had even told her own father. The Cullens seemed harmless, and once Dad realised that and stopped believing in the myths, then maybe there wouldn't be such a strain on his friendship with Uncle Charlie. They were best friends growing up.

When Bella told me they were actually a couple, she expected me to show resentment, but I quickly cleared that up, telling her my father and his friends were crazy. When I mentioned that I didn't even think the myths about the Cullens were real she seemed to relax somewhat, but I couldn't help but think that she was kind of hiding something.

I had also been trying to avoid Ryan this past week. His attitude towards Jake really pissed me off, and it pushed my buttons that he even thought it was an acceptable way to act towards my best friend. If he was going to treat Jake that way every time he saw him, I was going to cut him off completely.

Anyway, it was the last day of school before spring break and once I got home, I was heading straight for a nice long bath and my pyjamas. Tori and I had been discussing her crush on Seth on the ride home from school. She was certain he was going to ask her out over the break. "How do you think he'll ask me?" She boasted excitedly as my car stopped in front of our house. The rain was pattering harshly against the car so as soon as we got out, we'd have to make a run for it.

"Well, you're both pretty casual around each other. I don't think it'll be too extravagant. Just something sweet and romantic." I guessed and besides they were only fifteen, I doubt he'd do something completely out the box.

She reluctantly agreed with me, but she seemed a little sad at the thought he wouldn't do something big for her. We collected our things before exiting the car in a run, jumping over the puddles that had formed on the gravel. The porch outside the front door was dry and we shook out coats off before entering the house. Dad would go crazy if we left puddles.

We found Dad sitting in the living room watching football. "Hi girls." He said as Tori and I joined him.

"Hey Dad." We replied in unison, causing the both of us laughing at each other.

"Anything interesting happen at school today?" He asked, I stayed silent as Tori answered.

"Nothing really." She shrugged, propping her feet up onto the coffee table like Dad had.

"How's Bella? Fitting in okay?" Bella had been here for almost two months now, Dad had only seen her once since her return and that was when he went to pick Uncle Charlie up for a fishing weekend.

"Bella got a boyfrie-" Tori spoke but I slapped her arm wanting her to shut up immediately. "Ow, what was that for." And then a realisation spread across her face.

"Aria don't hit your sister. Whose her boyfriend?" You're so fucking stupid Tori.

"Err, I'm leaving." She quickly got up from her chair and ran up the stairs leaving me to deliver the news. Well this is going to be great.

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