Chapter 46: Waiting

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Jacob's POV

Our main focus was to get to the Cullens before the pack did. We were miles ahead now so there was a slim chance that they would catch up to us at this point. Jesse and I were stunned to silence, the shock of what we had done was echoing around us in the form of the howls of our brothers.

Mere seconds later the sound we'd been fearing interrupted our dazed thoughts - it was the soft impact of big paws against the ground, chasing after us. "Keep going Jess." I threw myself forward, speeding through the dark forest. We just had to get close enough so that Aria or Edward could hear the warning in our heads. Leah wouldn't be able to stop us alone.

And then I caught the mood of the thoughts behind us. Not anger, but enthusiasm. Not chasing... but following. Eagerly might I add.

My stride broke. I staggered two steps before it evened out again.

"Wait up. My legs aren't as long as yours."

"Fuck sake." Jesse grumbled. "This kid wants a death wish."

"SETH! What do you think you're DOING? GO HOME!" I hollered angrily, I didn't want this responsibility at all!

He didn't answer, but I could feel his excitement as he kept right on after us. I could see through his eyes as he could see through mine. The night scene was bleak for Jesse and I - full of despair. For him, it was hopeful.

I hadn't realized I was slowing down, but suddenly he was on my left flank, running in position beside me, like Jesse on my other side. "I am not joking, Seth! This is no place for you. Get out of here."

The gangly tan wolf snorted. "I've got your back, Jacob, just like Jesse. I think you're right. And I'm not going to stand behind Sam when—"

"Oh yes you are the hell going to stand behind Sam! Get your furry butt back to La Push and do what Sam tells you to do." Jesse intervened, not wanting Seth to make the biggest mistake of his life.

"This isn't your fight, Seth!" I added begrudgingly.


"Go, Seth!" I growled.

"Is that an order, Jacob?" Seth retorted. His question brought me up short. I skidded to a halt, my claws gouging lines in the mud. Jesse stopped too a little further ahead, he loped back to meet us.

"I'm not ordering anyone to do anything. I'm just telling you what you already know."

Seth plopped down on his haunches between Jesse and I. "I'll tell you what I know - I know that it's awful quiet. Haven't you guys noticed?"

I blinked. My tail swished nervously as I realised what he was thinking underneath the words. It wasn't quiet in one sense. Howls still filled the air, far away in the west.

"They haven't phased back," Jesse said, suddenly becoming aware of the silence just like I was.

I knew that. The pack would be on red alert now. They would be using the mind link to see all sides clearly. But I couldn't hear what they were thinking. I could only hear Seth and Jesse. No one else.

"Looks to me like separate packs aren't linked. Huh. Guess there was no reason for our fathers to know that before. 'Cause there was no reason for separate packs before. Never enough wolves for two. Wow. It's really quiet. Sort of eerie. But also kinda nice, don't you think? I bet it was easier, like this, for Ephraim, Benjamin, Quil and Levi. Not such a babble with just four."

"Shut up, Seth." I complained.

"Yes, sir."

"Stop that! There are not two packs. There is THE pack, and then there is us. That's all. So you can go home now."

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