Chapter 6: Jealousy

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Mom had called us the day after I saw Bella at La Push, her trip had been extended as she had some major project going on at the moment, I think it was for some huge hotel development. She told us it would be two months at least. Apparently it could result in a promotion and I was proud of her, but it just meant I'd have to endure Jesse everyday for the next two months, if not longer.

There still hadn't been an apology, and I longed to have my obnoxious but sweet older brother back. Paul had been acting like a hot head too, losing his temper easily and having to go cool off a lot, not that I had seen him. I had just overheard Dad talking to Billy and Harry.

Apparently, Jared had been acting the same as well, even though I would only hang out with him if he was with the guys, I never really spoke to him. I always got a vibe from him as if he didn't like me. I always thought it was because I looked different compared to the rest of them. Even my sister looked more Quileute than me. He was stuck up like that. Always making comments when the kids from Forks came to the beaches to surf and hang out.

I prayed that Jake, Embry and Quil would not turn out like them. It would kill me if I lost them too. They are everything to me. I could never imagine them even having a temper close to what Jesse and Paul had developed.

I was staying at Jake's this weekend. Our dads had decided to go fishing suddenly and they felt that it was best for me to stay at Jacobs's, so he wasn't alone, but I knew that the real reason was to benefit me. It was so I wouldn't have to endure Jesse on my own without Dad. Tori was staying at Seth's.

Jacob's house was only a fifteen-minute walk from my house so there was no need for a car. It was a small and cosy wooden place with narrow windows, painted a dark red which made it look like a small barn. I arrived at about 7pm, Jake had text me before I left telling me he had already ordered the pizza.

"Hi Jake." I called out as I let myself in.

"Hey Blue, I'm in the den." He called back but his voice was muffled, it sounded like he had his mouth full. He didn't even wait for me to get started.

"How's it going Jacob? Hungry, are we?" I asked flopping down onto the couch beside him, turning so I could place my legs over his lap.

"I'm fine. How are you, Blue?" I liked my nickname; I liked being different. I felt more unique that way.

"Annoyed. I didn't tell you; Mom has to stay in Miami for another two months at least. That means I'm still stuck with Jesse." I pouted running my hands through my hair.

"Hey, don't worry about it. But on the bright side, it just means you're closer to me." He beamed and I rolled my eyes, snatching the pizza box out of his hands.

"Meh." I shrugged and he glared at me playfully, squeezing my knee causing me to jump away from him. "Don't do that you know I hate it." I said rubbing my knee over my jeans.

"Meh." He mimicked and I playfully slapped his shoulder. "So, what do you want to watch?" He asked as I placed my legs back on his lap, taking a big bite of the cheesy goodness.

We ended up watching Die Hard. Again. I swear whenever we are at his house we watch that film. Next time I'll kill him before I let him put it on again. As the end credits began to show he switched the TV off and turned to me, placing the empty pizza box on the coffee table in front of us. "I have to tell you something." He looked awkward and he was fidgeting as he looked at me.

"Jake, you don't have to be so shy; you can tell me anything." I placed my hand over his, smiling reassuringly. 

My heart began to beat a little faster thinking about the possibility of him telling me what I've been longing to hear for the past two years. Though, that was a slim chance.

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