Chapter 32: Betrayal

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Realising we were alone in this fight I was sworn to secrecy to not tell my family or the pack about the forthcoming battle. If they knew of impending danger they would withdraw me from the fight and keep me on lock down with the whole pack standing guard around the house.

As soon as Carlisle came to terms with the fact we were alone, Edward and Carlisle left the room to talk privately, about what to do with Bella when the fight was upon us. They'd most likely hand her over to the wolves, Jake would watch over her, they could trust him with her protection.

I explained this to Bella when the rest of the family left the room.

The next topic she brought up caught me completely off guard. "Have you heard of imprinting?"

I looked at her with confusion, I had some familiarisation with the word. "No? What is it?" She looked slightly alarmed, like she expected me to know to answer an impending question.

"I thought you would know... my first question was just to start up the conversation." She looked down at her shoes, slightly embarrassed. "Jacob told me about it. You know Emily and Sam and Kim and Jared are just so completely in love, like its magic?"

She looked back up at me expectantly. "Yeah," I breathed, must be a strong love connection if it can tame Jared for a few hours.

"Well that's what imprinting is, only wolves can do it. Its how they find their soulmates. Do you remember the story the other night about Taha Aki, his third wife? Billy described her as his true spirit wife, that's the same thing. Imprinting." Bella explained enthusiastically but I was lost in my own mind. Why would Jake tell Bella about this and not me? Why had none of my friends told me about this?

"It sounds romantic." I sighed, not wanting to sound too disappointed.

"That's what I thought... anyway, there's no point me asking the question now seeing as you didn't know about imprinting in the first place. " To some extent I felt like she was rubbing it in my face.

"Come on just tell me." I urged, refraining from rolling my eyes.

"Well, Jacob told me he had imprinted on someone, he just wouldn't tell me who. I was hoping you would know." My throat went completely dry as I fought back the urge to cry.

It was obvious that Jake hadn't imprinted on me, otherwise he would have told Bella and told me about imprinting in the first place, right? And he hadn't imprinted on Bella because he would have told her that as well. So who was this mystery girl and why was he still trying to string me along? I didn't know how but I was going to get the answers for myself, he couldn't keep secrets from me anymore. I wasn't going to allow it, he was on thin ice with me anyway, it wasn't going to take long for him to fall through.

* * *

Shifts between the wolves and Cullens had continued as we watched over Bella's house. Today the Cullens had been out hunting and Jake was watching over Bella whilst I was stuck guarding the house. It was a boring job and I had spent most of the day playing on my phone and picking at the grass. I was alone as the others had to go back to regular patrols.

A few days had passed since learning about the upcoming fight in Seattle and I had stuck to my promise and not told the pack a single thing about it. Finals were now over and graduation was only a few days away. Once it was out of the way we were going to leave and who knew if we'd all make it back.

My thoughts were instantly interrupted by the sound of Jake's car pulling into Bella's driveway and the screeching of tyres that came soon after.

"Edward!" Bella's voice was panicked and I quickly sped out of my hiding spot towards the front of the house.

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