Chapter 27: Boundaries

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We left the house as soon as the sun began to set, following Alice out into the forest where she believed we would cross paths with Victoria. With the wolves not being able to expand their perimeter with the Cullens' return, Victoria had been able to slip through again. 

Bella and Edward had left yesterday morning before school just in case Victoria chose to show up a night earlier than she had previously decided. Luckily, she didn't make that choice. 

The woods were cold and eery, the slight sound of forest creatures and the rushing river acted as background noise as we all stood in formation, facing all directions, ready and waiting for Victoria. I had my barrier down in case I was able to hear her thoughts before Alice would see her. 

"Are you sure this is where you saw her?" Carlisle spoke up, breaking the intense silence. 

"She's almost here." Alice spoke softly and instantly Victoria's voice filled my head, but I couldn't yet tell which direction she was coming from. 

"I can hear her thoughts." I alerted everyone and Emmett came to stand beside me. 

"Where is she?" He asked as I tried to focus on her. 

Edward had been teaching me how to handle my gift. How to zone in on a specific voice and if they were close enough, identify exactly where they were. In that time, Carlisle had also been studying me. We had discovered that I was the strongest out of all family members — even Emmett. I held the same strength as a newborn vampire, and I was faster than Edward, making me also the fastest. Though I had these advantages they did have their problems. Unlike the others I could tire so I had to be careful how much I used them at certain times, I couldn't exhaust myself. 

Victoria's voice got louder and seemed to be coming from my left. My head shot round to see a flash of red before Alice called out, "on your left!" 

All of us immediately took off, Emmett taking the lead followed by Rose and Jasper and I not far behind, I had to pace myself if I had a chance of getting to her.  

Emmett was gaining on her, it was the fastest I had ever seen him run. He reached out to her and was able to grab her shoulder, but she was able to flip him off and continued running as he fell to the floor grunting. 

We all continued knowing Emmett would get up. Jasper picked up his speed excelling in front of Rose and me.  

Victoria made a bold move next, jumping onto Quileute land across the river and landing on the other side as we all skidded to a stop at the riverbank.  

"Wait! She's in their territory." Carlisle spoke as Victoria began to move again, running across the bank on the other side of the river. 

We all followed down our side of the riverbank, our speed slightly behind hers. "She'll get away!" Esme shouted as we all picked up our speed. 

Growls filled the air as Embry, Paul and Jared burst through the trees hot on the tail of Victoria, their jaws snapping at her. "No, she won't!" Jasper yelled pulling away from the rest of us. I increased my speed as well, coming up beside him, however, I still didn't reach my top speed. 

The boys were inches from catching her as we ran over the rocks. Embry's jaws were close to grabbing her, but she jumped and landed back over on our side of the river. She began to jump against the trees, Jasper did the same in hope of catching her but missed only by a few inches and tumbled to the ground. 

I then took a deep breath knowing I was the only one left that was close enough to catch her. I pushed on, now reaching my full speed as I came up right behind her. She looked over her shoulder and panic set over her face as I grabbed her by her hair, her own arms latching onto mine as we fell to the ground and into a tree, my grip on her hair loosening. 

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