Chapter 40: Familiar Faces

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"Baby?" The soft voice called, a hand running over my hair in an attempt to wake me up. I internally groaned, I didn't want to wake up yet. I lowered my barrier and felt around for Jacob's hand to ask him what time it was. "Are you actually that lazy you can't be bothered to open your eyes and physically ask me?" He laughed before sliding his hands under my body to lift me. This time I groaned out loud and put my barrier back up.

"Whyyyyy?" I turned my face so it was hiding in Jake's bare chest.

"Because it's nearly half past nine and people want to eat." He was talking to me like I was a child. I pulled my head from his chest and turned so I was looking up at him, opening my eyes to glare at his face. "Don't look at me like that, Blue." He laughed again and I huffed.

Once we entered the kitchen I saw that everybody was already seated and waiting. Jake sat down on a chair at the table and moved me so I was sitting upright on his lap and could lean back against his chest. Dad placed two plates of bacon and eggs down in front of us, one massively bigger than the other. "Nice of you to join us Aria." He said mischievously.

I picked up my fork and pointed it at him. "Don't start." I warned and the whole family laughed at me. "Don't laugh! I'm the deadliest person in here so don't provoke me!" I warned and they laughed again.

"Babe, come on, calm down." Jake said soothingly rubbing my arm.

"Calm down? It's your fault I'm irritable." I shuffled off of his lap, grabbed my plate and moved round to the other side of the table next to Tori.

"Why what did he do?" Jesse asked, his mouth full of scrambled eggs making me pull a face of disgust.

"Yeah what did I do? Is it because of the argument yesterday?" Jake asked, worry in his eyes and sadness on his face that I had moved away from him.

After our not so little lovers spat yesterday we had decided to put the little predicament behind us. But, if I did ever see Millie again, I was going to give her a piece of my mind because there would be no doubt she'd rub it in my face.

"You guys argued?" Tori spoke up and I just let my head fall into my hands.

"Yes we argued but we made up." I said to Tori. "And no, it's not because of the arguing, it's because of your snoring." I said turning to Jake, an offended expression taking over his face whilst Dad and Jesse burst out laughing.

Jake had driven me from my bedroom last night because of his ridiculously loud snoring. I had to seek refuge on the sofa and finish my sleep there. I would've kicked him out of bed but there would be no way he'd even fit on the sofa.

"I don't snore!" He attempted to defend himself but it was never going to work.

"Yes you do!" I argued back but he shook his head in protest. "Jacob! You do, you had me up at 5 am this morning!"

"You're lying." He shrugged before taking another mouthful of eggs.

"No I'm not. The amount of times I kicked you but you didn't wake up. Great help you would be if someone broke in!" I said before throwing a slice of toast at him.

"Aria don't throw food." Dad lightly scolded, the laughter in his voice telling me he wasn't being serious.

"Like you'd need protecting anyway." Jake scoffed and my mouth fell open in disbelief.

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