Chapter 26: Precautions

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It had been eight weeks. Eight weeks since the Cullens had returned. Eight weeks since the kiss. Eight weeks since Jacob abandoned me, and Jesse banned him from coming near me. It was like a part of me had been ripped away and the only way it could come back was for me to be with Jacob.

I didn't want to hurt anymore. I was done, completely done with Jake despite the pain it left me with. I just couldn't get him out of my head and I didn't understand why, I felt ready to cut ties with him mentally but my heart wouldn't let me. Kissing him was probably the biggest mistake I had ever made. It had been undeniably perfect and that false hope of being with him had imprinted itself on my brain and my heart.

He hadn't tried to make any contact with me and I hadn't seen him properly since the day Jesse told him he couldn't see me. He had been avoiding Bella as well, or maybe it was the other way around. Two weeks after he left me he thought he'd try and stop Bella from seeing Edward by showing Uncle Charlie her bike. Little did Jake know she was already grounded and had gotten Bella into even more trouble extending her sentence. I think she hated him even more than I did at the moment.

Alice and I were free to visit Bella whenever we liked, Uncle Charlie still liked us despite our trip to Italy, Uncle Charlie thought we went to L.A. Edward on the other hand was only allowed in the house for two and a half hours a day with serious supervision from Charlie, safe to say he was a little more than disliked.

Bella had discussed with me about going to try and make amends with Jake, she missed their friendship but his hatred for vampires just made it too hard. He wouldn't come to reason. I told Edward about her maybe plans and he was furious with me for even listening to her. He believed all of the wolves were dangerous, forgetting that Bella was actually related to one. She was never in danger whilst visiting before but now he just wouldn't allow it. His excuses for how Jared acted with me was his proof that they can't all be trusted.

I also spent most of my nights at the Cullens' now. A few days after their return; Esme, Rosalie and Alice surprised me with a finished bedroom and a fully stocked new closet. I had officially become a vital part of the shared, close family bond and I was treated like a sister and daughter. Being with them made me forget and I loved them for that.

My dad didn't like the fact that I was never home anymore, he said he was missing me and should be spending time with my real family, with Tori. I hadn't spent time with her recently I admit it, I hardly ever saw her but that's because she's always with her boyfriend, Seth. Seeing them together also made me extremely jealous, I was treated so coldly but she was allowed to carry on with Seth like nothing had happened.

Before I left for the Cullens', I had also packed up all of Jake's clothes that he had leant me and put them in a box along with any other him related things I had in my room. They were now sitting in a box in the bottom of my closet, I just couldn't throw them away. But I still didn't want to look at them either.

After spring break Ryan had come up to me during school to apologise for how he treated me. He explained that his anger stemmed from not being able to help me, he knew he was selfish and wanted to make up for it. I reluctantly forgave him after telling him I couldn't keep giving him chances. I was being hypocritical and realised I had been doing the same for Jake only for that to come back and bite me in the ass.

Agreeing to let Ryan take me out again helped me forget about Jake for a few hours. Ryan acted like my own personal Jacob repellent, whenever I was with him I just forgot about Jake. He ended up taking me to the movies and I actually enjoyed myself. It was safe to say it was going well.

Lunch times at school had turned into somewhat of an extravagant event. The joining of the Cullens, my friends and Bella's had created the biggest lunch group the cafeteria had ever seen. There was some tension in the group I'd admit that. Bella's friends were divided in two, Angela, her boyfriend Ben, Mike and Eric, they were the good, honest ones. Lauren and Jessica only sat with us to flirt with Jason and gawk at Edward.

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