Chapter 10: Realisation

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It was Bella's eighteenth birthday and despite her not wanting us to celebrate Tori, Mom, Dad, (maybe Jesse but he was never around anymore) and I decided to get her a collection of all of her favourite Shakespeare plays considering she loved literature so much.

After parking my car, I found her taking a photo of her friends and I quickly grabbed her present from the passenger seat and climbed out of the car. "Bella! Bella! Bella! Bella! Bella!" I squealed happily, causing her to shoot round and stare at me in surprise.

"Aria!" She exclaimed before I forced her into a one-armed hug.

"Happy birthday!" I whispered knowing she wanted me to keep quiet.

"Thank you." She smiled gratefully and then her eyes fell on the present in my arms. "Ari, I told you not to get me anything."

"Oh, shut up. It's from the whole family." I said handing it over, scolding myself internally for allowing Jesse to pop into my head.

She took the present from me and began to unwrap it carefully, her whole face lighting up once she saw what it was. "Oh my god Aria! How much did all this cost?" She stroked her hand over the front cover of the first book in awe.

"That is a secret I will not tell. Do you like it?" I asked hopefully, grinning at her.

"Aria, I love it. Tell everyone I said thank you." She hugged me again and I giggled softly.

When she pulled away, I could see she was looking over my shoulder and I turned as well. I smirked when I realised it was Edward making his way over from his car. "I can go if you want me to." I said and she shook her head before putting her new birthday present in her backpack.

"No please stay, he won't mind." I shrugged as he reached us.

"Happy birthday." He said and Bella rolled her eyes. She was not going to enjoy today.

"Don't remind me." She said as they began to get cosy, their bodies melting into one another's.

"Err guys I'm still here." I said, ensuring they knew that I was still round.

"Right. Hello Aria." He's always so proper. Never called me by my nickname.

Bella gave Edward and I an intervention a few days after Jesse changed into a hall monitor on steroids (our new nickname for them). She invited us both round to her house and scolded us like children. It wasn't her place to of course and the "treaty" couldn't be forgotten but it meant a lot to her that we got along. We decided to do it for her, I just had to ensure Dad didn't find out. Or Jesse for that matter, a sudden hatred for the Cullens erupted inside him since Sam got in his head. 

"Good morning, Edward." I grinned at him as he chuckled.

"Oh! Can I get a picture of you guys? Mom wants me to put together a scrap book." She explained and I nodded.

"Sure, why not?" Edward said as he stood back to join me draping an arm around my shoulder as I rolled my eyes. I hate photos.

"Why do you hate having your photograph taken?" How did he know that?

"My mom, and I guess Aunt Renee, are a bit camera crazy." I said before Bella told us to smile. After she took the picture and Edward was about to remove his arm, I saw Jake approaching from the corner of my eye, no doubt he was here to give Bella a present. Charlie, Billy, Bella and Jake had watched a few football and baseball games over each other's houses over the summer. I guess they became friends. Joy.

"Bella!" I breathed out through my nose heavily. It was obvious he still had a crush on her.

We had spoken nothing of our almost kiss, it was like it never even happened to him. From his side I guess it was just a heat of the moment thing, especially with his hatred of Ryan. With Bella's influence on him these past few weeks, it was like the moment had completely gone from his brain.

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