Chapter 42: The Wedding

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Two weeks had passed and I hadn't left the Cullens' land once. The wedding was tomorrow and all preparations were underway to get the Cullen house looking like a woodland wonderland. Mom had arrived home yesterday, she was currently staying at Dad's in the spare room considering she had now sold her house in Forks.

She had come to visit me at the Cullens' yesterday afternoon, she just thought I was staying here to help with the wedding. Of course she asked about Jake, if the posters around town where anything to go by she knew he had gone missing. I couldn't exactly tell her it was because of the wedding and the claw marks he'd made down my body so I just let her make her own assumption, I didn't want to talk about him.

"Hey Aria, come help us move these!" Emmett's voice boomed through the house making me jump out of my thoughts.

"Coming!" I called back, before getting up from my bed and speeding down the hallway and stairs to the front door. I could see through Emmett's mind that all the logs that Alice ordered had been delivered.

Whilst here Carlisle had encouraged me to leave my barrier down at all times, we had been working on developing my abilities, I had specifically asked to work on distance for obvious reasons. I could now hear thoughts up to fifteen miles away but that was only if I tried hard enough. Tomorrow at the wedding I'd have to put my barrier back up, there would be too many voices for me to cope with.

I exited the front of the house, the driveway being completely blocked with decorated logs and tree stumps covered in light moss and small white and purple flowers. "What do you want me to do?" I asked Emmett as he lifted a log that seemed to be at least four metres long without difficulty.

"Just bring these around to the back. There's some little ones over there for you." He waved his free hand towards a pile of stumps and snickered before rounding the corner of the house. Rose picked up one of the stumps and I of course had to show Emmett up and picked up one of the longer logs, balancing it on my shoulder and we followed him around the side of the house.

As we walked down the path I noticed Jasper and Carlisle carrying benches and Alice and Bella talking on the back porch, Bella was doubting the extravagance of Alice's plans again.

"Where do you want them boss?" Emmett asked as he neared them, interrupting their conversation.

"On either side of the aisle." Alice stated nodding her head in the direction of where I'm guessing the aisle will be.

"What aisle?" Rose asked, she was confused. I think we all were to be honest.

"Does no one have vision?" Alice asked obviously annoyed by our lack of imagination. She stormed down the steps, leaving Bella on her own as she led us through buckets of white flowers and small fairy lights.

There was a small clearing though it was nothing close to being the right size for an aisle and all the benches. "See right here." Alice pointed out as if we were stupid.

"Alice there's not enough room, there's too much crap everywhere." I said nodding towards all the flowers and misplaced benches.

"Language!" I heard Esme scold from somewhere behind us and of course Emmett snickered.

"Don't call my artwork crap!" Alice gasped and I heard Rose sigh heavily beside me. "Look, just clear all this area up and move things out the way and then we'll get to arranging the aisle." She ordered before turning on her heel and making her way back over to Bella.

"It's going to be such a long day." I felt like crying, I don't think my body could take anymore stress recently.

"Got that right kid." Emmett patted my shoulder and then got to work moving a bench out of the way.

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