Chapter 61: Judgement Day

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We waited for two days in the clearing. The exact same field where we had slaughtered the army of newborns. It was like deja vu, the same fear and nervousness was echoing through the family's minds but only Bella and I knew the true outcome now, we wouldn't get through this fight alive. 

We had come to believe that the Volturi were only tracking Edward or Carlisle, we assumed Bella and I were immune, and they would be able to tell that Alice wasn't with us, that must have thrown them. We wondered if it surprised them that we were weren't running, that the closer they got, the clearer we became to Demetri. Hopefully it made them a little nervous. 

Over the last forty-eight hours Jacob and I had become inseparable, even more so than usual. No matter what he was doing I stuck to his side, I even went training with him for the new recruits. I didn't want to waste a minute of the last few days of my life without him in it. We didn't have a last goodbye the night before, we ventured out to wait in the clearing, Jacob didn't see a need for it... because he thought we were going to win. 

Two tents were set up, one for Renesmee and Seth and one for Jake and me. We had placed them a few yards back into the forest to help protect from the elements, but then suddenly that caused even more deja vu. The night before our last battle Bella and I were clinging to Jake for warmth and now look where we were. It was nearly impossible to believe how much things had changed in the last seven months; everything had finally fallen into place only for it to all be destroyed before we even had a chance to enjoy it. 

The night before New Year's Eve the snow began to fall in thin flurries. Just before Jacob and I called it a night, the snow made a thin icing over the clearing only. It wasn't yet thick enough to make it through the trees. Through the night the snow grew heavier, and in the morning when I popped my head out of the tent the picture from Alice's vision was complete. 

As the morning progressed the others joined us in the forest, some eyes like liquid gold, others fierce and red. I ventured with Jake, deeper into the forest to meet with the packs. There were seventeen pack members in total now, the six youngest looked tiny compared to the rest of them, even smaller than Leah with their smaller bodies and paws they hadn't grown in to yet. 

I hugged each and every wolf, spending longer with Jesse, wrapping my arms around their thick, furry necks, thanking them for joining us. Lastly, I turned to Jake, who was still in his human form, and my bottom lip quivered as the tears built up. This could be the last time I see his human face. 

"Come here." He coaxed, opening his arms to me. 

I blurred into them, my arms wrapping around his torso as I buried my face in his chest. "I love you so much." I whimpered as one of his hands stroked over my hair. 

"I love you too." He breathed, taking a hold of my chin so I was looking up at him. "We'll get through this." He was so sure it sent a new wave of tears rolling down my cheeks, he caught them with his thumbs. 

"Remember your promise to me." I reminded him, my voice still quivering. 

"I remember." He stated surely, his confident eyes looking at the fear in mine. "I'll be right beside you." 

He kissed me then, long and deep, holding me so tightly against him I forgot what it was like to breathe. I left him with the tears still in my eyes, grabbed my jacket from the tent and met with my family and our guests. I met them out in the snow, and it crunched under my boots as I walked towards them. Carlisle and Edward were placing the others into a loose formation. 

I waited to be placed but no one came to me, so I turned my attention to Bella and Renesmee who were venturing out of the forest. Bella had the wedding present Aro had gifted her around her neck, just to try and sway him slightly but I wasn't sure if it was going to work. Edward met them halfway and then and brought them into a hug. 

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