Chapter 29: Intruder

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Aria's POV

Had I cheated on Ryan? Was I a cheater? I had become the type of person I loathed, and I had been caught in the act. I couldn't keep this a secret I would have to tell Ryan. I'd also have to tell Jake that we could never do that again. Kissing him was not part of my plan. 

"Well?" Jesse spat harshly, his arms folded across his chest as he watched me. 

"I..." What the fuck was I meant to say? Oh my god, Aria what are you getting yourself into! 

"Well to me it looks like you're letting him back in. But I thought he had hurt you and you didn't want anything to do with him again?" He jeered at me, and I could feel myself getting angry. I knew I had done the wrong thing; he didn't need to rub it in my face.  

"I can't help it, okay?" I burst out. "I can't stay away from him. It's like there's this band between us that only lets me go so far before snapping me back to him. I want to let go, I really do, but I physically can't." I admitted and a realisation seemed to spread across their faces. "You know I love him. And I know in the back of my mind that I could be hurt and left heartbroken again but right now I don't care. I miss him. But please don't judge me for what just happened, it won't happen again, and I'll be honest with Ryan." I promised honestly, he deserved to know. 

"Hey, hey, hey." Jesse came rushing over to me. "Don't cry Ari, I understand. Just please stop crying." He pulled me into his arms and rocked me from side to side. I didn't even realise I had begun to cry... again. 

"I'm sorry." I whimpered and he shushed me again. 

"We get it okay. Don't apologise." He said soothingly and I nodded pulling away from him. 

"I'm okay now." I reassured and they nodded. "So, what are you guys doing today?" I asked as I wiped away my remaining tears. 

"We were going to go cliff diving." Embry spoke up. "Do you wanna come with us?" 

"Err, my last experience with cliff diving didn't go too well." I said sceptically remembering the incident with Bella.  

"Oh, come on, you weren't even the one who jumped. Come with us, please." Quil begged pouting slightly and I laughed when Paul hit him round the back of the head. 

"Okay." They cheered at my answer. "Just let me run back to the house to grab a bathing suit." Their cheers turned into groans. "What?" 

"You're gonna take so long." Embry whined and I placed my hands on my hips. 

"Why? Would you prefer if I jumped in my underwear." I raised my eyebrow and watched them all expectantly. I really hoped that they wouldn't say yes.

"Nope. No of course not." He held his hands up in defence and I nodded. 

"Okay good. I'll be back in less than ten minutes." I finished before speeding off back to the house. 

* * *

My morning started off actually being fun for once but when half of the guys were called onto patrol it kind of dwindled down into them just wanting to wrestle again. Mom wasn't due to arrive until late afternoon, but luckily Bella saved me from the morons, asking me to collect her from Jake's house and take her home.  

About twenty minutes later, after I had run home to collect my car, I arrived at Jake's. The rain had just begun to drizzle and as I began to walk towards Jake's garage, Bella and Jake's raised voices gained my attention. 

"Is this goodbye then, Jake?" She asked, there was sadness in her voice. 

"Why? We still have a few years. Can't we be friends until we're out of time?" His voice was loud and confused, I guessed that they were discussing her transformation. 

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