Chapter 36: Possession

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The impending battle had not been discussed once, Emily made an amazing meal and now us girls were waiting around the dwindling fire for the pack (excluding Leah) to return with more firewood. Embry, Brady and Collin were out doing a final perimeter check and would join us later. Leah and Catori were having their own conversation perched upon one of the logs and Kim, Emily and I were clearing up after the pack had ravaged the food table.

Something had changed between Jacob and I tonight and I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was. It was like I wanted to be around him but I was still reserved. We weren't on top of each other like the other couples — well we weren't even a couple ourselves, but I still needed that closeness. We acted as if were just best friends again, and I liked that, it was nice to just feel normal for once.

"Aria, can I just apologise on behalf of Jared?" Kim changed the subject from our previous conversation concerning the boys' obsession with wrestling.

"Oh no, Kim, you don't have to do that." I began, now feeling slightly awkward. I really hated Jared but I wasn't going to be rude to his imprint. Besides, I liked Kim.

"I do." She sighed almost angrily. "I understand the natural enemies thing... but you're so different I don't understand why he doesn't see that when everyone else can." I shrugged and gave a side glance to Emily, she had had enough of Jared as well. To be honest I think everyone had. "I promise I will keep digging at him until he apologises in person, however long it takes."

"Well its a good thing I'm immortal." I joked and the girls laughed. "But seriously, even before I became a vampire there was bad blood between us so don't worry. It is just how Jared and I are."

"I'm still going to try." She promised. "Anyway, you and Jacob? We need an update."

I groaned and they both laughed at me. "I don't even know. I still don't trust him, we're just friends, kinda, I guess?" I struggled for words and they both rolled their eyes at me.

"You so want him." Emily pointed out and I scowled at her.

"I don't." I whined only to get laughed at again.

"It's so obvious. You haven't left his side all night, and the way you two look at each other is so unbelievably perfect and romantic. I know he's a bit of a prick," Kim broke off when Emily and I scoffed. "Okay, a big prick but you know it's inevitable you'll be together."

I did know that, it was always lingering in the back of my mind but right now I didn't want that with Jacob. How could I imagine spending my life with someone I couldn't trust?

"I know. I just don't want him now." I said truthfully and both of the girls seemed to accept that.

Boisterous, bellowing laughter then echoed off the trees and I burst into laughter myself when Kim jumped and dropped the plate she had in her hands in the sand. They all walked in synchronisation and it was kind of mesmerising to watch. All of them holding huge amounts of sticks and branches in their toned arms, and all of them wearing bright smiles on their faces. When they were alone together you could see the connection that they have, how bonded they were. Like they were true brothers.

Jacob's eyes turned to me due to my laughter and his smile turned soft and warm and his eyes looked at me with so much love it made my heart flutter. This was a rare look, one reserved just for me.

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