Chapter 25: Disconnection

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I jolted awake, the ear-piercing sound of three howls ripped through the undergrowth and around the trees. I blinked quickly trying to see through the light that was filtering through the trees. How had we fallen asleep out here?

The howls sounded again, a fraction closer, and this time Jake mirrored my previous actions and bolted upright. "What is it?" I said frantically, watching his face as he tried to understand what the howl meant. His face then went hard like stone.

"We have to go." He said quickly. "Now." Jake scrambled up from the floor, grabbing my hand on his way to his feet and hastily pulled me along with him.

"What's going on?" I asked, now slightly panicked. We began to sprint hand in hand and I was sure we were going faster than average human speed. I didn't realise this would change about the boys.

"I need to get you home." Jake said picking up the pace, it was difficult to run at this pace, I was only used to human and vampire speed, not dwelling in the middle.



It felt like my throat closed up and I was struggling to breathe. "Jake you need to phase now!" We weren't running fast enough, he couldn't protect himself like this. What if she got to him before he had time to phase?

"No, I'll only do it when necessary." Was he completely delusional?

"Are you stupid? It is totally necessary!" I yelled at him. He couldn't protect me like this.

Three sets of thunderous footsteps began to sound from behind us coming up fast, no doubt as part of the chase. Victoria was trying to find me. They were heading straight for us.

I stopped dead, halting Jake suddenly as well. "What are you doing?" He practically screamed at me, trying to pull me along. We couldn't outrun her at this speed.

"Jake you need to phase." I spoke quickly and he just looked at me like I was being ridiculous. Could he not hear them approaching?

"Aria, we need to go." Jake pressed, using his superhuman strength to try and pull me along.

"Jake. Phase." It was like time slowed down immensely. The footsteps of the wolves were just a booming thud in the background, running in rhythm. Her lighter, almost silent ones danced around my ears and in the split second that I turned to face her she was already there reaching for me. Her hand wound its way around my neck and as a strangled "Jacob!" left my throat he was already a blur in the distance.

She travelled upwards, my dangling body being struck by branches as she continued her climb. I kept my eyes trained on Jacob, watching as he suddenly exploded into his wolf form. A loud roar ripped through the air as Sam, Paul and Embry rushed through the undergrowth to stand by his side.

I came to my senses then, grabbing onto the next branch I bumped in to. I screamed out, the grip she had on my neck was tight and the sudden force of stopping caused extreme pain. Her harsh, marble-like skin ruptured the blood vessels in my neck - I could feel them tearing. Her grip loosened, freeing me and allowing me to fall and land safely on the thick branch below. She stopped too, waiting on a branch a few metres above.

"You're crazy." I spat, hissing up at her.

She looked down at me grinning from ear to ear. "Your neck looks pretty." Jake's howl then sounded from below causing me to look down at him. "Seems your friends are worried." She smirked.

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