Chapter 3: Infatuations

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"Remember to meet me back here on time! I don't want to be stuck here waiting half an hour for you again." I shouted to Tori as she jumped out the car, eager to meet with her friends. She waved me off as I gathered my bag and slid it over my shoulder before climbing out the car as well. She really gets on my nerves sometimes.

As we pulled in, we had noticed Bella's truck was already in the lot parked up and empty. I had hoped she would wait for me; she was worried about getting lost last night, but if she wants to be independent, I wasn't going to stop her. 

Whilst I crossed the lot, dodging other students and cars, trying to keep the drifting, fine rain out of my eyes, I caught sight of Ryan and Robbie climbing out of Ryan's hot red Jeep Wrangler. I supposed that Ryan wasn't the most terrible person to go on a date with, or better yet to be in a relationship with. He was gorgeous there was no denying that. He was a beautiful golden tan colour; he had piercing blue eyes that you could get lost in and soft wavy light brown hair. He had a strong jaw and was muscular and tall... but I guess he had to be being on the football team.

"Hey Ari." Ryan smiled at me wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"Hi Ryan." I smiled back leaning into him slightly. 

He was a good friend too so that's why we got on so well after our breakup, we thought we were just better off as friends but I guess he changed his mind again, not that I was complaining. I was attracted to him and liked him as a friend but there was nothing more there yet, maybe the inkling of old feelings. Who knew, perhaps one day there could be more again.

"What and I don't get a hello?" Robbie asked flicking my shoulder.

"Hey Robbie." I said pulling away from Ryan to hug Robbie, laughing at his childish reaction.

"That's more like it." He smiled wrapping his arms around me tightly. "The others are already inside we decided to stay out and wait for you."

Robbie was the sweetest and most adorable friend anyone could ever ask for. He never ever put himself first and cared for his friends immensely. He was the boy that every girl wanted to date due to his kindness and humour, the good guy, and he wasn't bad on the eyes either.

"You didn't have to, I would have met you at my locker anyway." I said as we began to walk towards the building, passing Bella's truck on the way.

"What a piece of crap." Ryan smirked as he hit the side of the truck, the heavy clonk of the metal vibrating rang through the air. 

He was trying to show off but if he was trying to impress me it was a lame and unwarranted effort. His overconfident persona was shining through brightly. It was times like this when I thought I was crazy for even considering possibly feeling something for him again.

I squinted up at him and he gave me a questioning look, almost hurt that I didn't laugh with him, or at least seem impressed. "That's Bella's. Jake rebuilt the engine for it." I said proudly, and he rolled his eyes. The mentioning of his, I guess, rival annoying him. The second reason why it was hard for feelings to stir up again. His hatred of Jacob would only push me further away.

"Oh sorry, you and your precious Jake." He smirked again, wiggling his eyebrows and I rolled my eyes.

"Hey!" I said smacking him in the stomach with my bag. "That's my best friend." I defended, stalking ahead of him.

"Yeah, well then what am I?" He answered jogging after me with Robbie following behind.

"A prick." I smiled sarcastically at him before entering the building to make for my locker.

* * *

All the way up until lunch I hadn't seen Bella or shared any classes with her. I hoped she was getting around alright, the different buildings on campus can be a little confusing.

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