Chapter 18: Determination

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Aria's POV

I wandered through the forest, brushing the large, overgrown ferns out of the way. It was eerily silent, the sunlight struggled to filter down through the trees as I trudged along. Why was I here? 

A loud animal-like shriek shuddered through the undergrowth, making its pain known to the world, that its life was ending. My curiosity got the better of me, using my heightened senses to take me to the scene of the crime, the macabre situation not affecting me like it would have done six months ago. 

I approached silently, the pungent smell of blood filling my nose as I neared the massacre. God, there was so much blood.  

Violent snarls and hisses filled the air around me, the closer I got the more menacing they sounded. I broke through the trees and the oxygen escaped my lungs as I gasped at the sight before me. 

The Cullens, minus Alice and Jasper, were crowded in hunched positions around their three kills of deer. Their eyes were bright and golden, the vibrant colour due to their freshly made feed. 

Hisses left their mouths as the blood dripped from their lips, why were they acting like this towards me? They straightened up, their eyes suddenly wide with fear as Carlisle stepped forward, his arms out ushering the family behind him.  

"Carlisle what's..." I began to ask but the low thunderous snarl that I wouldn't forget after yesterday's events rang out from behind me. My eyes widened in horror as Carlisle eyes shot from me to the monster that I was sure was standing behind me.  

"Aria." Carlisle whispered authoritatively, trying to usher me over but the fear inside of me was telling me to look at the creature behind me. 

I slowly began to turn, my whole body shaking in fear as I felt the breath of the monster hitting my back. I held in my scream but didn't stop my feet when they had me stumbling back. I watched as the saliva dripped off of its canines and onto the floor between us. 

The huge russet wolf that had stared at Bella and I yesterday was currently staring me down. The low rumble in his throat causing a whimper to escape my own. Three more of the massive wolves then appeared, a pure black one, not as large as the first or the one seen yesterday, appeared on its right. Then followed a brown one and a grey one with odd brown patches on its coat.  

The need to bow to them overwhelmed me and I did so, dropping to the ground quickly, my eyes trained to the floor. I felt the muzzle of the first wolf hit the back of my neck as it checked my scent, my silent tears were rolling down my face.  

Suddenly the contact was lost and replaced with what felt like a hand. I glanced forward confused by the sight of four pairs of human legs. I looked up further and stumbled back at the sight before me, I was definitely dreaming. Ghosts weren't real. 

"Grandpa?" The sob got stuck in my throat as I saw my Great Grandpa Benjamin standing before me beside Ephraim Black. 

"Be calm sweet one." He helped me to my feet, the men's huge height making me feel small. Jesse looked so much like him.

"How is this possible?" I asked, my nervousness still obvious as I looked at the four men.

"You needed a little help." He smiled softly at me, his warm eyes being something I missed dearly. He died when I was five.

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