Chapter 58: Careful Introductions

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The enormity of the Cullen house would have seemed to be pushed to its limits with the large amount of guests it was currently holding but it was coping extremely well. The only reason for this was because none of the guests slept. Mealtimes, however, were a different issue. Our new company abided by Carlisle's and Jake's rules, keeping to ensure their hunting trips were taken hundreds of miles away from Forks and La Push but it still meant they were hunting somewhere, and that was hard to come to terms with.

It upset Jacob and his pack even more. The werewolves only existed to prevent the loss of human life against vampires, and the fact that they could do nothing about the heinous murders that were being carried out outside their reach was a little too much for Jake to handle. However, despite these circumstances Jake and Seth put their differences aside because this was all about Renesmee and keeping our families alive.

It was quite extraordinary to see the newcomers not be the least bit repelled by Jake and Seth's involvement with us. The boys seemed more or less irrelevant to them, they didn't impose an immediate threat of danger so they just dealt with their presence. They didn't acknowledge the boys unless it was necessary.

The rest of Jake's pack, including my brother, had been ordered to run with Sam's pack for now as they patrolled the borders. Jake and Seth would have happily joined them and sometimes they did, but in reality they wouldn't admit it, but they just didn't want to leave Renesmee and I surrounded by all these 'wild' vampires.

When Peter and Charlotte arrived, the plan repeated itself, just like it had with the Denali's however Bella joined Edward outside first to greet them. Alice and Jasper had sent them without any kind of explanation, they just complied with what Alice had told them because they trusted her.

I followed alone after the introductions, and explained to them my heritage and what it had done to me and what I was, and then after knowing this they agreed to be open minded. Neither Peter nor Charlotte had ever seen an immortal child, though they knew of the rule the Volturi had set in place. Their reaction wasn't quite as drastic as the Denalis', meaning there was no fight, but their curiosity got the better of them, and after meeting me they wanted to meet Renesmee. After Ness showed them her own explanation, they became as willing as the Denalis to stand as witnesses.

Two days later, the covens that Carlisle and Esme found arrived.

First came the Irish coven and they were surprisingly easy to persuade to witness for us. Siobhan was their leader, a woman of immense presence whose huge body was both beautiful and mesmerising as it moved in smooth undulations. Her mate Liam, was a man of sharp features that never seemed to show any emotion. The two of them were convinced by their newest member of their coven, Maggie, a sweet looking red haired girl, as she had a gift for knowing when she was being lied to. She insisted that both Edward and I were telling the truth, so Siobhan and Liam agreed to witness without even needing to talk to Renesmee first.

Later on that day the Egyptian vampires arrived, and they were a whole other story. There were four of them, and the two youngest mates, Benjamin and Tia, had been convinced of myself and Renesmee and accepted us gladly. They then tried to convince their leader and his mate, Amun and Kebi, but Amun refused to touch Renesmee and therefore Kebi followed suit. Amun then ordered for his coven to leave.

Benjamin was a uniquely cheerful and optimistic vampire. He only looked to be around Catori's age, but seemed both entirely confident and careless at the same time. He ended up convincing Amun to stay with him and his mate, though, after a few threats about leaving the coven with Tia, Amun reluctantly agreed, but continued to refuse to touch Renesmee or even talk to me or Jacob and Seth. He pretended we didn't even exist.

The alliance between the Egyptian coven was a strange one. Despite between mates, the couples hardly had anything compared to the bonds that my family shared and that of the Denali's and Irish coven. They all looked so alike, their deep black hair comparable to that of the Quileutes, but their skin was not russet, it was olive-toned but had the same pallor to it that occurred with other vampire's as well.

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