Chapter 35 - Fourth Day 04.

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[Chapter Size: 1900 Words.]
Third Person POV




Snape continued his path through the corridors of Hogwarts. It was quite early, still mid-afternoon, so he had some free time before dusk. Snape kept wandering around the school until he reached one of the exits and ended up on the east side, by the bridge, which had several wooden supports. It seemed to be an iconic part of the school that had never been changed; after all, they could have built another bridge there, but they left it, despite having magic to support the structure.

He began walking toward it and passed over, his goal being the aviary located outside the school, behind the Quidditch pitch. The tower was quite large with some owls flying around.

His gaze returned to the Quidditch field, and he saw in the distance a group playing, apparently a team practice, and by the yellow uniforms, it must have been Hufflepuff using the field at that time. Taking his eyes off the Quidditch field, he headed straight to the aviary tower, since he didn't own an owl and would have to borrow one from the school.

'Another thing I need to buy as soon as I can...' He thought, but he would have to start making some money next week.

He took a letter from his pocket, already familiar from the old Snape's memories with how the system worked; this letter was addressed to Diagon Alley, but he wanted something from the public library in London. It was a letter requesting a specific type of service that students could perform, as there were some people who did all kinds of things in Diagon Alley; he would pay for someone to buy some books he wanted from the Muggle world, while he couldn't leave the school.

Of course, he had to pay for it, so there were coins in the letter, though they were not gold galleons, because what he sought was not difficult, nor were the books expensive.

There was a man tending to the owls, this place not only housed Hogwarts' own owls, but some students kept theirs here so they didn't have to worry about caring for them every day.

The man seemed like a type of caretaker, not like Hagrid or Argus Filch, but someone who worked outside the castle caring only for the aviary and was almost never seen by students outside of here. The man noticed Snape's approach as he placed feed in the palm of his hand and let one of the owls peck at the food.

"What do you want, boy?" the man asked, and Snape remembered that his name was Bing, as he used to use the school's owls when he needed to.

Snape simply took the letter from his pocket and handed it to him. "I need an owl to send this letter," he said, and the man nodded, recognizing that this was his service.

He usually served poor wizards, mostly Muggle-borns, so seeing a Slytherin student asking for a public owl was something unusual, although there was one who always requested his services, though he hadn't seen him in these first two weeks of school.

Snape had no idea that the man was thinking about his former self, and just nodded satisfied as the man stored the letter on a shelf to be sent later.

Snape began to leave the place shortly thereafter. He saw that he still had some time and thought about planning a few things for the next week, so he wanted a quiet place to think.

He walked not back towards the school but thought of approaching the Black Lake, having some things to reflect on. Approaching a tree nearby and at a certain height with a view of the entire Black Lake.

He was alone as he sat facing the lake, leaning his back against the tree. He took a piece of paper from his pocket and began jotting down his activities for the next week, starting with the last day of this week, which would be tomorrow.

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