Chapter 30 - Third Day 01.

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[Chapter Size: 2200 Words.]
Third Person POV




Snape woke up the next day, as usual, at the same time as always, getting out of bed, using his wand to change clothes and leaving while the Slytherin dormitory was quiet.

Continuing on his way to the castle exit, he encountered that Hufflepuff student again in the corridors, but the boy just looked and quickly escaped. Continuing his path without further interruptions, Snape left the castle and, instead of going to the Forbidden Forest as the day before, he ended up returning to the lake near Hagrid's House. There, he trained again and received the reward for the daily mission. He went swimming in the lake again and fought the monster when he encountered it in the middle of the lake.

Hagrid was feeding his dog when he noticed in the corner, the extreme movement in the lake. "That student, is he messing with little Dumbo?!" he couldn't help but murmur, at the same time seeing what looked like a fight.

"This isn't right, I'll have to report this to the headmaster..." Hagrid murmured again.

It was only after things calmed down in the lake that Snape got out of it. "These idiotic people... can't they let anyone swim in the lake without trying to drown them?" Snape commented with some dissatisfaction.

He dried himself with his wand and returned to the castle, passing by Hagrid who was looking at him as he passed, the man not taking his eyes off him and mouth agape.

He returned to the castle and headed towards the common room. Slytherin already knew what had happened yesterday, after finding both the prefect and Lucius passed out in a corner, but not seriously injured, just a bit sore from the impact, neither of them was there at that moment, but everyone was looking at Snape, more so than any other house.

Snape was starting to gain some respect from his classmates, after all, he was not afraid of anyone, not even the powerful families, and seemed unbeatable as many students tried to bring him down. Something that began to be noticed not only within Slytherin, but many houses were keeping an eye on this.

But it wasn't just respect that he was gaining, after all, there were people with anger and grudge against him, wanting to harm him as soon as they had the opportunity, just like Lucius and the prefect, he had also thrown another pureblood student into the infirmary.

Not caring, he continued to sit in his usual spot, meanwhile, Adrian Rosier was finally waking up injured. Madame Penelope saw this and approached him. "I see you've woken up. How are you?" She asked.

"I feel strange, what happened to me?" He spoke with some difficulty, remembering being flung by Snape and then being unconscious for practically a whole day.

"Well, you had some complications. Your bones broke and you were unconscious for many hours due to the potion I had to give you, almost in a coma," she informed, but continued, "But I see that you've recovered. That's good. You're doing better than those over there." She pointed to the cots in front of Adrian Rosier.

He looked stunned, as in front of him, there were four Gryffindor students sitting on their beds, scratching themselves aggressively and incessantly, making Rose raise an eyebrow.

"What happened to them?" he asked.

"Well, it seems someone threw itching powder on them, and I heard it was Severus Snape. Speaking of him, I haven't seen him in the infirmary this year... did he flee the school?" She commented with a question, after all, Snape often came to the infirmary due to the bullying he suffered, especially at the beginning of the year, but he still hadn't appeared, which made Madame Penelope wonder what could have happened.

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