Chapter 32 - Fourth Day 01.

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[Chapter Size: 1900 Words.]
Third Person POV




Snape continued his meal normally and finally left the Great Hall to go to the dormitory early, under the watchful eyes of many; seeing this, Lucinda stood up and followed him. Snape felt a bit burdened by this girl always trying to stick to him like glue.

Then he tried to ignore her, while she began striking up a conversation with him through the hallway, but he didn't pay much attention, just headed to the destination. Entering the dormitory, she kept talking and Snape made some excuse about being busy and went to his room, leaving the girl alone.

He really wanted some time before sleeping, looking at his room which was much more organized than the first day, he went to the headboard of the bed and picked up his study book, and started reading it to try to find anything he might have missed in the forbidden session and began reviewing all the notes.

It was only after an hour that he finally went to his bed to sleep, waking up the next day before sunrise and got up to do his daily mission, training again at the lake.

It was a Thursday, he would have a Transfiguration class in the morning and a Spells class in the afternoon; he was looking forward to the weekend to do his things outside the castle.

Then, he quickly left the castle without anyone stopping him, and quietly went to train at the lake, where again, Hagrid saw him fighting Dumbo in the lake. The boy returned to school and went to have breakfast, entering the common hall while people still looked on, especially his own house.

Evans glanced at him, with a slightly sad look after everything she heard yesterday, the Snape she knew seemed to no longer exist, and he openly despised her. She had ignored him before with her desperation, but now she had cried for hours because of his words.

"Are you okay?" A friend asked, after all she had heard about what happened in the corridor at the Astronomy Tower and noticed Lily crying in her room, since they were roommates.

"I'm... just a bit thoughtful..." She commented, glancing at Snape walking through the middle of the corridor.

"You should forget he exists, Evans, it doesn't do you any good and you haven't spoken for over a year..." Her friend had advised.

"I know... but..." Evans still remembered how Headmaster Albus had asked for this and she even tried to see if there really was a person inside Snape's body, but she couldn't bear how he had scorned her without caring about her, clearly this Snape wanted nothing to do with her.

Meanwhile, Snape started to ignore all the stares and sat down at the table, picking up some things to eat.

"Hi!" Suddenly, Andromeda appeared next to him with a smile.

"..." Snape stopped and looked at her then, but didn't respond, just shaking his head.

"What are you going to do this weekend?" She asked, hoping to invite Snape to Hogsmeade.

"I'll be busy..." He said, not wanting to waste time on that.

"Hm... that's too bad... Maybe we can do something when you're free." She said, clearly trying to flirt with Snape.

Some students looked at that quite surprised, after all, the Black sisters were quite reserved, although Andromeda was the most expressive of all, while Bellatrix was always grumpy and ill-tempered, to the point of being hostile and aggressive. Narcissa maintained a more reserved personality.

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