Chapter 59 - Privileges.

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[Chapter Size: 2100 Words.]
Third Person POV




Minerva quickly entered the infirmary accompanied by Headmaster Dumbledore as soon as she heard about the incident, her expression deeply worried. Inside, four hospital beds were occupied by Gryffindor students, and the first rays of the sun were just beginning to shine through the window. "By Merlin!" Minerva exclaimed in alarm upon seeing the state of the four students. "Tell me, Miss Penelope! What happened to them!" She practically shouted at the nurse standing beside her, who only sighed.

"I don't know, I found them like this when I went to fetch Mr. Lupin from the Whomping Willow... They were all inside it, even Lupin was inside the safe spot..." She commented with a sigh while Minerva continued to look shocked at their current state in the beds, her gaze then turned to the Headmaster who looked with a mix of concern and analysis.

"Tell me, Albus. It wasn't Lupin who did something like this, was it?" she asked worriedly.

"I believe not, Minerva. But I am sure that Nurse Penelope can better answer that," the Headmaster remarked.

"It wasn't Lupin, because he's the one in the worst condition of all, he's been beaten for much longer than the others..." She commented.

"Beaten...? What is their condition, who could do this to a werewolf?!" She exclaimed in disbelief.

Nurse Penelope looked gravely at Minerva and Dumbledore. "The damage is extensive and quite severe, especially in Mr. Lupin's case," she began.

"Lupin is in a particularly critical condition. He has suffered multiple fractures throughout his body, including an exposed fracture in his left arm and several broken ribs, which are concerning because of the internal organs that might have been affected. He also has fractures on his face, including his jaw and orbital socket, which will require immediate magical reconstruction to prevent permanent complications. He also has extensive bruising and lacerations, which indicates that the attack was both brutal and prolonged," she said, leaving both the Gryffindor Head of House and the Headmaster frowning.

Turning to the Marauders, Penelope continued her report: "Sirius Black has a concussion, a dislocated shoulder, and multiple bruises; his eye is swollen and his nose broken. James Potter has a fractured wrist, several broken ribs, and both his nose and jaw are broken as well. Peter Pettigrew seems to have suffered significant impact, resulting in spinal trauma, a dislocated shoulder, broken nose, and some teeth lost." She completed her diagnosis.

"Who would do all this to school students, who could do this to a transformed werewolf?!" Minerva demanded answers once more.

"I don't know... but certainly, all these damages were caused by physical force, which is what scares me the most... Perhaps only a giant could have done something like this, but surely the werewolf would hurt him and find his blood, not to mention that he wouldn't fit in the place where Lupin transforms every month," she commented, before sighing with a more serious look. "I used Revelio, and there was one more person there, at least there were marks of a wizard's shoe there..." She spoke.

While Minerva grimaced, Dumbledore pondered this... turning his gaze back to the four boys in very grave condition. "Tell me, Nurse Penelope, what will their condition be like?" He asked.

"Well, that's not a problem, they will just have to stay here for a week for bone reconstruction and other injuries..." She commented and continued. "However, we still don't know how traumatized they will be when they wake up... This could even be considered as using an unforgivable on the children," she remarked.

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