[Chapter Size: 2100 Words.]
Third Person POVCokeworth.
Snape approached the door of his house and didn't even bother to knock before using a spell to open it and enter, without a wand to avoid alerting the Ministry of Magic.
He saw how his father continued to mess up the place, lying on the living room couch with a bottle of cheap whiskey fallen near him, part of the liquid on the floor; it was a quite depressing scene, but Snape was not surprised by the memories of this man. He even maintained a disdain as he climbed the stairs of the old house heading to his room, which was locked, and Snape entered the place where he had spent his entire life.
It was a poor little corner, to say the least, disheveled; the walls creaked with the evening wind, while there was a small bed and a desk where Snape spent his time working on his cauldron, when his father wasn't complaining about the horrible smell of his potions.
He approached the place, noticing that nothing had been touched while he was away. There were some Muggle books on a shelf suspended on the wall and a drawing he had almost forgotten, which Lily had drawn.
"This place really needs a renovation..." Snape murmured and approached the bed while pushing it from one side to the other, revealing the floor beneath it to Snape, who approached and crouched on that floorboard, where there was a loose piece, with a small hole between the floor that divided the rooms, and upon removing it, there was a slightly worn book in it.
"It's here..." Snape murmured, reading the title of the book he had started writing since last year, he had signed this book as "Notes and Discoveries of the Half-Blood Prince".
He thought about changing the name later; it was a book of discoveries and notes that he had created with information about his discoveries in the field of potions with tips and easier ways to create potions, besides this there were spells that Snape was creating, some common and useful others so dangerous that it would put a person in a very torturous situation, but they were not ready yet, Snape wanted to create them precisely to use them on the Marauders, something quite dark.
But the current Snape just looked at this, "If we are going to write spells, then let's make really powerful spells..." Snape commented, thinking about his next plans.
He put the bed back in place after closing the spot that hid his book, and stored it in his pocket; his only goal here was to retrieve it, after all, there were some things that Snape wrote and erased his memories due to his existential conflict thanks to the loss of his friend. He looked at the sheet that Lily drew of two dolls under a tree and cast a small incendiary spell without a wand.
"Snape, you have to stop these things, and forget this girl, for God's sake..." Snape murmured to himself and his gaze returned to the door, as footsteps approached him.
"You're here!" The man spoke with a severe and hoarse tone.
"You're drunk, as always." Snape mocked.
"What did you say, brat. Where have you been these past months?!" He asked, after all, Snape hadn't come home after the school year had ended, while he spent time on the other side of the country training.
"Do you care about that?" Snape asked the man, who immediately got angry at Snape's curt response.
"What did you say, brat, you think I won't hit you because you look a bit different?" He spoke, taking a few steps; he noticed that his son was different, maybe taller, but still could not reason out the difference due to the drunken state he was in at the moment.

HP - Shadow Monarch!
FanfictionMorou Kaind was a guardian in an order that aimed to protect a power sealed within 9 rings. He was not just a member of the order, but an heir to one of the rings, after all, only beings with the greatest affinity for each ring could be chosen to pr...