[Chapter Size: 2000 Words.]
Third Person POVHogwarts.
Everyone remained silent as they watched Potter stand up and glare at Snape with fury. Even Professor Longbottom exchanged a brief glance with Professor Flitwick, who nodded, understanding what was happening.
"You will pay for this, Snape!" he said and cast a spell, "Incendio." Sending a burst of fire, Snape simply waved his wand with a Protego, which was stronger than Potter's offensive spell due to his incredible magical prowess.
The flames exploded, covering Snape, while the audience gasped. But Snape emerged from the chaos entirely unharmed, staring calmly at his opponent.
Potter cast another fire spell, which again exploded against Snape's shield. Clenching his teeth, Potter kept a frustrated gaze and launched another attack. "Diffindo." The slashing spell flew again, with Snape easily defending against it.
People just watched as Potter attacked once more, exploding against another part of Snape's shield. Snape remained on the defensive, enjoying it, as it was quite satisfying to see Potter frustrated with each of his spells being easily stopped by his shield.
"Come on, Potter... Is that all you can do?" Snape taunted.
"Shut up, Expelliarmus! Soon your shield will break!!" he shouted and began casting more spells.
For the next few minutes, they watched Potter hurl every spell in his arsenal, with Snape only using his Protego, without any sign of it weakening.
"Snape's shield is certainly very powerful..." Flitwick commented to the D.A.D.A. professor beside him. He held a certain look of admiration for Snape's demonstration.
"Indeed, among everyone here... Snape is the most powerful student. His magical capacity is astonishing... I don't understand how someone his age can be this strong..." Professor Longbottom remarked. Although she didn't have love for Slytherin, as most of the Death Eaters she fought came from that house, she still harbored no prejudice against the boy. On the contrary, she could see a powerful wizard in him and hoped he wouldn't follow the path of the Death Eaters.
Potter was casting spells until he began to feel the strain of using so many, looking at Snape with more frustration, his breath irregular and sweat trickling down his forehead.
"James seems to be in trouble... It's like Snape is toying with him..." said a Gryffindor girl next to Lily, who looked at Snape standing calmly on the other side.
"Finish him, Snape!!" someone from Slytherin shouted. Most still didn't like the new Snape, putting pure-bloods in humiliating conditions, but Snape had started to gain many admirers due to his strength and power.
"Potter, take him down!" Black shouted in response, hoping Potter would put Snape in his place after recent events.
The Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff students watched the fight without many comments, despite their antipathy towards Slytherin.
"You're just a coward, Snape. Attack too!" Potter shouted, hoping to provoke Snape into attacking in anger.
"Alright... if you want that... then let's see if you can handle this." Snape said calmly and in the next moment, cast his fire spell, with Potter quickly creating his shield. But as soon as the Incendio touched his Protego, the power shield simply exploded, and before he could react, Snape had already cast a second spell. Knowing he had generated enough power to destroy his shield, Potter was hit again, flying backward like a puppet. But just as he was about to fall, Snape caught him with Levicorpus. Potter simply floated in the air as Snape brought him back to the platform.

HP - Shadow Monarch!
FanfictionMorou Kaind was a guardian in an order that aimed to protect a power sealed within 9 rings. He was not just a member of the order, but an heir to one of the rings, after all, only beings with the greatest affinity for each ring could be chosen to pr...