Chapter 26 - Second Day 04.

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[Chapter Size: 2200 Words.]
Third Person POV




"Now let's begin the class," Professor Filius Flitwick started the lesson.

"Now we will continue with the spells we have been practicing since last week..." He began as the class turned their attention to him. "Now let's continue with the spells we have been practicing since last week," announced Professor Flitwick, adjusting his glasses with a twinkle of excitement in his eyes as he looked at his students. "Today, we will delve deeper into the study of Levitation Charms. More specifically, we will enhance our use of the 'Wingardium Leviosa' spell."

"Mr. Snape, I know you are thinking that we are going to review a first-year spell, but this is an advanced variation of Wingardium Leviosa, let me do a demonstration." He said, picking up his wand to show Snape for not having come last week.

He transformed a candle on his desk into a vase, with a transfiguration spell and used "Wingardium Leviosa" without moving the wand like an experienced wizard and made the vase levitate and brought it to the front of the class, "As you already know, 'Wingardium Leviosa' is fundamental for levitating objects. However, what we are looking for now is control and precision in more complex situations," continued Flitwick. "For example, this spell can be combined with others, what we are learning is 'Descendo', which we can cast an object straight to the ground with it. Pay attention to my movements and words." He said.

Professor Flitwick began to move his wand with a smooth and slow movement to show everyone again the correct movements. "Descendo!" He said and the vase flew to the ground with force while breaking with the impact spreading its body all over the place.

"Any questions about the spell?" He asked ignoring the broken vase, looking at all the students, no one raised their hand, including Snape as Flitwick noticed, "That's good, then continue practicing until you master the spell." He spoke using a spell to clean the floor.

Snape saw the class progressing smoothly while the students practiced with objects in the air the simple spell, Snape looked at his feather and was thinking about the other variations of the levitation spell, imagining how it could be useful on the battlefield, he had used it to throw the bladder at the Marauders, but there was no power, he simply dropped the spell while gravity did the rest of the work.

"Do you have any questions, Mr. Snape?" Professor Flitwick had approached Snape while he was thinking, it had already been 10 minutes while he was just imagining how the spell would be useful, while all the students were training, Snape did not care about the approach of the professor trusting his instincts that there was no danger coming from him.

"No, Professor Flitwick, I was just thinking." Snape spoke and seeing that the professor wanted a demonstration from him with the spell, he raised his wand without movement while the feather began to levitate with 'Wingardium Leviosa' and then Snape moved his wand perfectly with "Descendo!", making the feather hit his desk making a sound of impact, even not being very large due to the weight of the feather.

"That's splendid! Your first attempt?" The professor was quite pleased with the perfection that Snape practiced the spell.

"Yes." Snape did not lie.

"That's really amazing! It seems that your talent has not only improved in transfiguration as Professor McGonagall had spoken, I'm very happy to see this change in my classes." He spoke with satisfaction, "10 points to Slytherin for the splendid demonstration, Mr. Snape. You can read the pages of the book in chapter 1, which detail the spell better if you want to delve into it. Meanwhile, I will help your classmates to reach your performance." He spoke while moving away with a smile.

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